Monitoring network traffic by interface using eBPF.
The eBPF part is compatible with kernel version 5.10.3.
- Make sure your kernel version supports eBPF
- Install libbpf
sudo make
sudo ./monitorBX -i I [-f F] [-c]
-h Help
-i Index of network interface
-f Filename for saved data
-c Count distinct mode
Output example
Speed: 6.40
Packets passed: 4
Packets dropped: 0
Packets with TCP protocol: 2
Packets with UDP protocol: 2
Packets with Other protocol: 0
python [-h] [-s S] [-u] [-n N] [-t] dst
dst destination ip address
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s S break in seconds between sending packets
-u send packets with n unique ip addresses
-n N number of unique addresses to be used (-u option should be enabled)
-t testing mode, send packets with all possible ip addresses (ipv4)