Calling on pre-segmented objects
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I was wondering if it is possible to call the
function on pre segmented objects (i.e. on Cellpose masks).
I would like to try Trackpy on live imaging of cells (brightield) which have been segmented already with Cellpose.
I'm not familiar with that package. What kind of output does it produce that link
would need to process? (Is it different from an array of coordinates?)
Th output of Cellpose is an array of labels with the same dimension of the image, in which every pixel of the background has value 0 and for the pixels of the cells value >0. Pixels of the same object (cell) have the same label value.
Thanks. It sounds like you can use skimage.measure.regionprops()
to get the centroids of the labeled regions. See the trackpy bubble tracking tutorial for an example:
Thanks a lot! It works now :)