Quick & easy way to edit dictionaries and create counters. Console & programmatic usages are supported.
NEW: Verson 2.0.2
- Data types can now be preserved.
- Boolean detection, as well.
- Result Key [__conv_ok]
- == True iff types preserved.
- False == at least one defaulted to string.
- Result Key [__btn_ok]
- == True when [Okay] was pressed
- else False.
Edit a dictionary:
from Prompter9000.PyEdit import *
params = {"NAME":'My', "ACCOUNT":123456, "Subscriber":False}
Create a click-counter:
from Prompter9000.PyCount import *
params = {'Hits': '0', 'Miss': '0', 'Other': '10'}
GUI: Dictionary results will be returned ONLY IF the data was changed. Otherwise an empty dictionary will be returned.
May also be used from the C.L.I:
Dynamically edit a dictionary:
python PyEdit.py "{'NAME': 'My', 'PHONE': '123-456', 'EMAIL': 'a.Geekbo@zbobo.com'}"
{'NAME': 'My', 'PHONE': '123-456', 'EMAIL': 'a.Geekbo@zbobo.com', '__btn_ok': True}
Dynamic click-to-update counters:
python PyCount.py "{'Hits': '0', 'Miss': '0', 'Other': '10'}"
{'Hits': '12', 'Miss': '10', 'Other': '44', '__btn_ok': True}
CLI: The __btn_ok will be either True when user-selected, else False.
Now available on PyPi