Senior Software Engineer

With a diverse skill set that includes .NET, Golang, Rust, Python, Java, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, C#, ASP Net, and Unity, I have honed my ability to design and implement robust server-side solutions. I excel in developing efficient and scalable code using various frameworks and technologies, such as Active-Web, Django, Spring, Laravel, MERN, and Rails.

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  • 🎉 Frontend : React / Next.js, Vue.js / Nuxt.js, Angular, Svelte, Redux / Context, Hooks, Styled components, AntDesign, Material UI, Tailwind CSS / SASS / SCSS, GraphQL, React Native, ESLint, TSLint, Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap, UI / UX, Webpack
  • 🩺 Backend : Django / Flask / FastAPI, Django REST framework, Node.js / Express.js / Nest.js, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Spring Boot, RESTful API, DevOps, Docker / Microservice architecture, CI / CD
  • 🧩 Database : MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Firebase
  • ⛓️ Blockchain : Solidity, Rust, Smart contract, Web3 / Ethers.js, NFT Marketplace / Auction, Launchpad / DAO / ICO / IDO platforms, CEX / DEX / Defi, Crypto wallets / Trading Apps
  • 💬 Language : C, C++, C#, Ruby, Python, PHP, Solidity, Rust, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript
  • 📫 Interesting : Unity, D3, AI, Tennis