Plant disease detection


Plant Disease Detection is one of the mind boggling issue that exits when we talk about using Technology in Agriculture.Although researches has been done to detect weather a plant is healthy or diseased using Deep Learning and with the help of Neural Network, new techniquies are still being discovered.

Here is my approach for Detecting weather a plant leaf is healthy or unhealthy by utilising classical Machine Learning Algorithm , Pre-processing the data using Image Processing.


The dataset used for this project has been taken from Plant-Village- Dataset which can be found here

The data used for this project is extracted from the folder named “color” which is situated in the folder named “raw” in the Github Repository. The Data fed for the modeling is of Apple Leaves. For training purpose the Dataset comprises of 2 folders named Diseased and Healthy which contains images of leaves with respective labels. The Diseased Folder contains diseased/unhealthy, affected by Apple Scab, Black Rot or Cedar Apple Rust. The Healthy Folder consists of Green and healthy images.


Type of File : JPG File.

Dimensions : 256 * 256.

Width : 256 Pixels.

Height : 256 Pixels.

Horizontal Resolution : 96 dpi.

Vertical Resolution : 96 dpi.

Bit Depth : 24.


Data Preprocessing

1 ) Load Original Image. A total of 800 images for each class Diseased and Healthy is fed for the machine.

  1. Conversion of image from RGB to BGR. Since Open CV (python library for Image Processing), accepts images in RGB coloring format so it needs to be converted to the original format that is BGR format.

  2. Conversion of image from BGR to HSV. The simple answer is that unlike RGB, HSV separates luma, or the image intensity, from chroma or the color information. This is very useful in many applications. For example, if you want to do histogram equalization of a color image, you probably want to do that only on the intensity component, and leave the color components alone. Otherwise you will get very strange colors. In computer vision you often want to separate color components from intensity for various reasons, such as robustness to lighting changes, or removing shadows. Note, however, that HSV is one of many color spaces that separate color from intensity (See YCbCr, Lab, etc.). HSV is often used simply because the code for converting between RGB and HSV is widely available and can also be easily implemented.

  3. Image Segmentation for extraction of Colors. In order to separate the picture of leaf from the background segmentation has to performed, The color of the leaf is extracted from the image.

  4. Applying Global Feature Descriptor. Global features are extracted from the image using three feature descriptors namely :

    • Color : Color Channel Statistics (Mean, Standard Deviation) and Color Histogram

    • Shape : Hu Moments, Zernike Moments

    • Texture : Haralick Texture, Local Binary Patterns (LBP)

After extracting the feature of images the features are stacked together using numpy function “np.stack”.

According to the images situated in the folder the labels are encoded in numeric format for better understanding of the machine.

The Dataset is splitted into training and testing set with the ratio of 80/20 respectively.

  1. Feature Scaling Feature Scaling is a technique to standardize the independent features present in the data in a fixed range. It is performed during the data pre-processing to handle highly varying magnitudes or values or units. If feature scaling is not done, then a machine learning algorithm tends to weigh greater values, higher and consider smaller values as the lower values, regardless of the unit of the values.

Here, we have used Min-Max Scaler. This scaling brings the value between 0 and 1.

  1. Saving the Features. After features are extracted from the images they are saved in HDF5 file. The Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5), is an open source file format that supports large, complex, heterogeneous data. HDF5 uses a "file directory" like structure that allows you to organize data within the file in many different structured ways, as you might do with files on your computer.

  2. Modeling The Model is trained over 7 machine learning models named :

    • Logistic Regression

    • Linear Discriminant Analysis

    • K Nearest Neighbours

    • Decision Trees

    • Random Forest

    • Naïve Bayes

    • Support Vector Machine

And the model is validated using 10 k fold cross validation technique.

9 ) Prediction The models with best performance is them trained with whole of the dataset and score for testing set is predicted using Predict function.

An accuracy of 97% is achieved using Randomm Forest Classifier.

What and Where Specification

Utils : Contains python file for conversion of labels of images in the train folders.

Image Classification : Contains Training Dataset and the .ipynb for the Plant Disease Detection.

Testing Notebook : Contains Detailed Specification of Functions applied in the leaf images.