APP: Movie aggregator based on the API (Final OTUS study project)

Description: An application that simulates the basic functionality of a typical Netflix/Kinopoisk movie aggregator by connecting to and the YouTube data API.

Tech Stack: UIKit, SnapKit, CoreData, FirebaseAuth, Firestore, URLSession, REST API, SDWebImage, AVKit, IOSPlayer, SwiftPackageManager

What was done:

  • Used SwiftPackageManager to connect additional modules
  • Implemented UI via code (UIKit)
  • Implemented autolayout using Snap Kit
  • Used FirebaseAuth to register and authenticate users
  • Used Firestore for remote storage of user data
  • Organized persistent layer using CoreData for local data storage
  • Created network layer via URLSession to work with API (GET requests)
  • Used SDWebImage for asynchronous loading and caching of images
  • Used AVKit for background start screen and Youtube IOSPlayer to download trailers
  • Used SwiftPackageManager to connect frameworks

Main Screens:

Снимок экрана 2022-10-07 в 19 21 43 Снимок экрана 2022-10-07 в 19 23 08 Снимок экрана 2022-10-07 в 19 23 19

Welcome Screens:

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