
From src/Checkbox.jsx

Checkbox component using react-switch

prop type default required description
disabled Boolean false true to disable toggling
onChange Function callback when toggled
value Boolean value of the component


From src/ErrorFormFeedback.jsx

Display errors underneath an input component

prop type default required description
errors Union<Array | String> List of errors to display, can be an array or string


From src/FileUploadList.jsx

Displays a dropzone for files Dropped files are displayed as a table with option to remove them individually

prop type default required description
dropText Union<String | Object> 'Drag Here to upload' Text or JSX to display in the dropzone
files Array list of files to display, can leave blank to not have table shown
onDrop Function callback for when a file is dropped
onRemove Function Callback for when a file is removed required if files prop is not blank


From src/Input.jsx

Thing wrapper on input tag Displays errors below input

prop type default required description
className String additional classnames to add to input tag
disabled Boolean false true to disable input
errorText Union<String | Array> Errors to display, should be a string or array of strings @type {[type]}
onChange Function Callback when updated
style Object Addition styles
type String 'text' type of input
value * value of component


From src/SLDate.jsx

Date Input component

prop type default required description
disabled Boolean false true to disable toggling
format String 'MM/DD/YYYY' How to Format the Presented Date
inputProps Object Additional props to add to the input
onChange Function callback when date is selected
openLeft Boolean false offset to display calendar in pixels
timezone String Timezone to use for for display
value Union<String | Object> Current date to display should be a string, Date(), or moment()


From src/SLDateRange.jsx

Input which allows user to pick a range of dates wrapper on react-dates

prop type default required description
buttonText String 'Filter' Text for button
disabled Boolean false true to disable toggling
endDate Union<String | Object> value to use as end date
id String Unique ID required
onChange Function callback when start or end date changes
startDate Union<String | Object> value to use as startDate


From src/SLDateTime.jsx

prop type default required description
dateFormat String 'MM/DD/YYYY' How to Format the Presented Date
disabled Boolean false true to disable toggling
inputProps Object Additional props to add to the input
onChange Function callback when date is selected
openLeft Unknown false
timeFormat Unknown 'HH:mm:ss'
timezone String Timezone to use for for display
value Union<String | Object> Current date to display should be a string, Date(), or moment()


From src/SLForm.jsx

Form Component to display as a modal or not

prop type default required description
Button Function Function that returns a button * this is passed a cb for the buttons onclick method toggle => Btn
fields Object Form fields to display, should be JSX * recommended to use SLFormGroup wrapped components for best presentation
formInValid Boolean Set to true if the form is not valid this will disable the submit button
header String Header Text for Modal *required if notModal={false}
notModal Boolean Set true if the form should not be a modal
onSubmit Function Callback when form is submitted, expected to return Promise
onToggle Function callback for when the modal is toggled open
size Enum('sm','md','lg','xl') size of the modal
submitButton Function If notModal={true} a custom submit button may be used * this is passed a callback for submit and formInvalid (submit, invalid) => submit


From src/SLFormGroup.jsx

Wrapper for a form input which will display labels and align elements nicely in an SLForm

prop type default required description
check Boolean false Set to true if the input is a check or radio to display label correctly
helpText String Help text to display when hovering over help icon * useful for giving context to an input value
hideLabel Boolean false Set true to hide the label component
input Object Form Input JSX
label String Input Label Text


From src/SelectCountry.jsx

Select a country code in a dropdown

prop type default required description
disabled Boolean false true to disable toggling
onChange Function callback when a country is selected
value Object current selected country


From src/SimpleSelect.jsx

Simplified wrapper of react-select

prop type default required description
disabled Boolean false true to disable toggling
errorText Union<String | Array> Errors to display, should be a string or array of strings @type {[type]}
labelField String 'label' object key to use as the label
onChange Function callback when option selected
options Array array of objects to choose from should have keys with value of valueField and labelField props
valueField String '_id' object key to use for the value


From src/TextArea.jsx

Thing wrapper on textarea tag Displays errors below input

prop type default required description
className String additional classnames to add to input tag
disabled Boolean false true to disable toggling
onChange Function Callback when updated
value * value of component