
complete Movie app with many screens for movie and series and actors and favorite all above tested (Unit & Integration) testing implemented with clean arch and modulrization and last tech in android. and clean code



Demo (please wait untill demo video loading)

In-App architecture

In-App Testing

Unit testing for:

  • local insert and delete movie from fav
  • remote api function getPopularMovie
  • some mapper functions
  • isFavorite usecase
  • get Popular Actor usecase
  • actor viewModel

UI test cases:

  • ActorScreen is Loading displayed


  • clean code
  • favorite cashing
  • internet conection status
  • Simple UI
  • Config changes handling

Tools & APIs

  • Jetpack Compose
  • Compose navigation
  • Clean architecture
  • mvi arch pattern
  • Coroutines
  • Channels & flows
  • Modularization (first by feautre and by layer)
  • Retrofit
  • Room
  • Coil
  • Unit testing
  • UI testing
  • firebase
  • Proguard
