
A Instagram clone with (Nodejs, Postgres, ReactJS, Styled components)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Photogram (Intagram clone)

instagram clone with the necessary functionalities of this great the internet

License MIT



This app features all the latest tools and practices in web development!

  • ⚛️ React Js — A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

  • 💹 Node Js — A web framework for Node Js

  • 📄 Postgres — A cross-platform and open-source document-oriented database

  • 📄 Redis — A platform for caching

  • 🔐 JWT — A library for authentication of users

  • ♻️ Context — A state handler

  • ORM Sequelize, Multer,

Getting started

Getting started with the backend server

  1. Open Redis server
  2. Move yourself to the backend folder: cd backend
  3. Copy the .env.example file and create a .env file and add the connection BD and other and SIGNATURE (can be any word)
  4. Install sequelize-cli how dev-dependency and execute this yarn sequelize db:create next yarn sequelize db:migrate
  5. Run yarn devto start the server

Getting started with the frontend app

  1. Move yourself to the frontend folder: cd web
  2. Copy the .env.example file and create a .env and cofing you fields
  3. Run yarn start to start the web application


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE page for details.