
mechanical watch analysis on a Wav file

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Mechanical watch analysis on a Wav file

Forked from https://github.com/petergeelhoed/tico

Requires gnuplot and fftw3

$ sudo apt-get fftw3-dev gnuplot


# make the wav file, use 48000Hz please
a=122;rm -f out.wav; (ffmpeg  -i Recorder/Voice\ $a.m4a out.wav) 2>/dev/null ; 

# help
tico -h

# use -t to get only the top of the sound
-r cuts off the last 10 seconds
-l cuts off the first 20 seconds
-d narrow search round max
-c crosscorrelation threshold
-v prints the gnuplot statement
-s split tick tock pulseshape
-e applies a gaussian window of s=8 

# generate a plot in lussen/www/tico.png and raw data
~/tico/tico/tico -l 4 -r 5 -s -e4 -d 50 < out.wav 

teeth -e4 -c 0.8 -l 4 -r 4 < out.wav

Discussion topics


gcc -o capture capture.c -lasound -Wall && ./capture default:1


./capture default:1 -t 3 -z 10 -x


It now gives you the live linear regression rate over the last 10 seconds, and it shows you how well the ticks correlate with the continually updated sound profile of a tick.

capture options:
-d <capture device> (default:1)
-z <zoom> (default: 10)
-b bph of the watch (default: 21600/h)
-r sampling rate (default: 48000Hz)
-t <measurment time> (default: 30s)
-v verbose, print points to stdout
time, tick position modulo(3600/rate), deviation, σ
-s cutoff standarddeviation (default: 3)
-x do not use crosscorrelation instead use peak derivative
-c 8 threshold for local rate
-e 4 Gauss smooth
-q split local tick/tock rate


# make all
make all

# or individually ...

# build tico
gcc tico.c  -lm -o tico -lfftw3 -I /usr/local/fftw/include -L /usr/local/fftw/lib


# List audio devices:
pactl list | grep -A2 'Source #' | grep 'Name: ' | cut -d" " -f2

# or (requires alsa-utils: sudo apt install alsa-utils)
arecord -L

# capture
./capture -dsysdefault
./capture -dpulse

# 18000 bpm watch
./capture -dsysdefault -b18000