I am a Full-stack and Blockchain developer with a 🧑‍🎓Bachelor's degree in Computer Science focused on React&Solidity having 5 years of experience. For the last 5 years, I've been working as a web developer and provide support for all the stages of the development life cycle including: development, deployment, testing and maintenance.

- DEX, Swap functions and Bridge
- DeFi development(token staking, farming, bonding)
- Dapp stack (Web3.js / Ethers.js)
- NFT Marketplace, NFT staking
- Api handling (Moralis)
- Front-end (React and Next, MUI, MDB, TailwindCss, Vue and Nuxt)

🔗 How to reach me: palsev0415@gmail.com

Languages and Tools:

C++  Solidity  JavaScript  NEXT JS  Laravel  CodeIgniter  YII  React  VueJS  AngularJS  Redux   NodeJS  Express  DJango  Flask  CSharp  Dot Net  NUXT JS  TypeScript  HTML5  CSS3  TailWindCSS  Material UI  BootStrap  Rust  Graphql  C  MySQL  Firebase  Nginx  Redis  Heroku  Postman  AWS    Composer  Ubuntu  Android  Java 

With Following~⬇️