An Overview of Microservice-Based Systems Used for Evaluation in Testing and Monitoring: A Systematic Mapping Study

Online Appendix for AST 2024 Paper


Microservice-based systems have emerged as an effective architecture for countless industry applications. They provide applications as small, independent, and modular services. With the increasing interest in such systems it is important to tackle challenges related to their quality assurance. However, to advance research in this area, systems are required to evaluate new approaches and tools. In this paper, we perform a systematic literature search for systems used in research for testing and monitoring microservice-based systems to aid future research. We provide an overview of the found studies and the systems used in their evaluation. We compose a list of publicly available systems and their characteristics, like size, available tests, and technologies used. Finally, we investigated the context in which these systems were used to provide insights in their usage and additional data that is available for them.

Testing search querries


SUBJAREA(COMP) TITLE-ABS-KEY( ( ("software test") OR ("software testing") OR ("test automation") OR ("test oracle") OR ("test generation") OR ("system test") OR ("system tests") OR ("system testing") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro-service") ) )


(("All Metadata": "software test") OR ("All Metadata": "software testing") OR ("All Metadata": "test automation") OR ("All Metadata": "test oracle") OR ("All Metadata": "test generation") OR ("All Metadata": "system test") OR ("All Metadata": "system tests") OR ("All Metadata": "system testing")) AND (("All Metadata": microservice*) OR ("All Metadata": "micro service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-services"))


(( Title:("software test") OR Title:("software testing") OR Title:("test automation") OR Title:("test oracle") OR Title:("test generation") OR Title:("system test") OR Title:("system tests") OR Title:("system testing")) AND (Title:(microservice*) OR Title:("micro service") OR Title:("micro services") OR Title:("micro-service") OR Title:("micro-services"))) OR (( Abstract:("software test") OR Abstract:("software testing") OR Abstract:("test automation") OR Abstract:("test oracle") OR Abstract:("test generation") OR Abstract:("system test") OR Abstract:("system tests") OR Abstract:("system testing")) AND ( Abstract:(microservice*) OR Abstract:("micro service") OR Abstract:("micro services") OR Abstract:("micro-service") OR Abstract:("micro-services"))) OR (( Keyword:("software test") OR Keyword:("software testing") OR Keyword:("test automation") OR Keyword:("test oracle") OR Keyword:("test generation") OR Keyword:("system test") OR Keyword:("system tests") OR Keyword:("system testing")) AND ( Keyword:(microservice*) OR Keyword:("micro service") OR Keyword:("micro services") OR Keyword:("micro-service") OR Keyword:("micro-services")))


( ("software test") OR ("software testing") OR ("test automation") OR ("test oracle") OR ("test generation") OR ("system test") OR ("system tests") OR ("system testing") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro services") OR ("micro-service") OR ("micro-services") )

Monitoring search querries


SUBJAREA(COMP) TITLE-ABS-KEY (( (benchmark OR "fault localization" OR "root cause analysis") AND (tracing OR anomal* OR "dynamic analysis" OR "telemetry data" OR "fault injection" OR "case study") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro services") OR ("micro-services") OR ("micro-service")))


( (("All Metadata": benchmark) OR ("All Metadata": "fault localization") OR ("All Metadata": "root cause analysis")) AND (("All Metadata": tracing) OR ("All Metadata": anomal*) OR ("All Metadata": "dynamic analysis") OR ("All Metadata": "telemetry data") OR ("All Metadata": "case study") OR ("All Metadata": "fault injection") ) ) AND (("All Metadata": microservice*) OR ("All Metadata": "micro service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro services") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-services"))


(( (Title: (benchmark) OR Title: ("fault localization") OR Title: ("root cause analysis")) AND ( Title: (tracing) OR Title: (anomal*) OR Title: ("dynamic analysis") OR Title: ("telemetry data") OR Title: ("case study") OR Title: ("fault injection") ) ) AND (Title: (microservice*) OR Title: ("micro service") OR Title: ("micro services") OR Title: ("micro-service") OR Title: ("micro-services"))) OR (( (Abstract: (benchmark) OR Abstract: ("fault localization") Abstract: ("root cause analysis")) AND ( Abstract: (tracing) OR Abstract: (anomal*) OR Abstract: ("dynamic analysis") OR Abstract: ("telemetry data") OR Abstract: ("case study") OR Abstract: ("fault injection") ) ) AND ( Abstract: (microservice*) OR Abstract: ("micro service") OR Abstract: ("micro services") OR Abstract: ("micro-service") OR Abstract: ("micro-services"))) OR (( (Keyword: (benchmark) OR Keyword: ("fault localization") Keyword: ("root cause analysis")) AND (Keyword: (tracing) OR Keyword: (anomal*) OR Keyword: ("dynamic analysis") OR Keyword: ("telemetry data") OR Keyword: ("case study") OR Keyword: ("fault injection") ) ) AND ( Keyword: (microservice*) OR Keyword: ("micro service") OR Keyword: ("micro services") OR Keyword: ("micro-service") OR Keyword: ("micro-services")))


( (benchmark OR "fault localization" OR "root cause analysis") AND (tracing OR anomal* OR "dynamic analysis" OR "telemetry data" OR "case study" OR "fault injection") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro services") OR ("micro-services") OR ("micro-service"))

Results Testing search

Apply Search (Step 1)

Source #Studies File
ACM 15 testing/1_ACM.csv
IEEE 29 testing/1_IEEE.csv
SCOPUS 129 testing/1_SCOPUS.csv
SPRINGER 176 testing/1_SPRINGER.csv
SUM 349 -

Deduplicate & Filter Results (Step 2)

Step #Studies File
Deduplication 308 testing/2.1_mergedDeduplicated.csv
Filter 53 testing/2.2_filteredSearch.csv

Backward & Forward Snowballing (Step 3)

Added 2992 studies.

Deduplicate & Filter Results (Step 4)

Step #Studies File
Deduplication 2163 testing/4.1_snowballingDeduplicated.csv
Filter 101 testing/4.1_snowballingDeduplicated.csv

Extract Systems (Step 5)

Step #Systems File
Extract 112 testing/5_systems.csv

Results Monitoring search

Apply Search (Step 1)

Source #Studies File
ACM 48 monitoring/1_ACM.csv
IEEE 51 monitoring/1_IEEE.csv
SCOPUS 87 monitoring/1_SCOPUS.csv
SPRINGER 321 monitoring/1_SPRINGER.csv
SUM 507 -

Deduplicate & Filter Results (Step 2)

Step #Studies File
Deduplication 427 monitoring/2.1_mergedDeduplicated.csv
Filter 41 monitoring/2.2_filteredSearch.csv

Backward & Forward Snowballing (Step 3)

Added 2373 studies.

Deduplicate & Filter Results (Step 4)

Step #Studies File
Deduplication 1913 monitoring/4.1_snowballingDeduplicated.csv
Filter 70 monitoring/4.2_finalList.csv

Extract Systems (Step 5)

Step #Systems File
Extract 28 monitoring/5_systems.csv

Merge & Filter Systems (Step 6)

Step #Systems File
Merge 134 6.1_systems.csv
Filter availability 32 6.2_available_systems.csv
Filter open-source 29 6.3_open_source_systems.csv
Filter microservice 19 6.4_microservice_systems.csv