
Provides code and results evaluating an approach that generates amplified regression tests.

Primary LanguageJava

Test Amplification - SEAA2023

This repository contains the data and tools used for the published evaluation of an approach to generate amplified regression tests

General Information

The experiment to evaluate the approach has been executed on a desktop computer equipped with a 4 core (8 logical) Intel(R) i7-6700 CPU and 32 GB RAM running Windows 10 operating system. Output at the command line and the generated report files have been used to collect data and compile a data table manually as source for further analysis of the results.

All content of the repo is provided without warranty of any kind.

List of most important dependencies used:

Where to find what?

The following is a rough overview of the contents of the repository's subdirectories. Some additional info can be found in the corresponding sub directories itself.

  1. collection-m00 contains source code of the SUT (custom collection class implementation), scripts for automation and rerunning the evaluation experiment tcg-experiment.util.bat and pitest-experiment.util.bat
  2. driver-generator contains a tool to create the test adapter, that is able to collect the internal object state data during test execution, semi-automatically (configuration file is needed: see src/main/resources/experiment.util_config.csv)
  3. util-testnumberslicer contains a tool (maven project) that is used to create from a single multi-test file like Regression_ArrayListTest_54676380_1024_0.java a number of test files with a limited number of test cases, i.e. Regression_ArrayListTest_54676380_16_s.java which contains just the first 16 tests of the source file. In addition the batch file tcs-experiment.util.bat is provided which has been used to conduct the experiment.

How the experiment and evaluation were conducted?

The following list gives a coarse-grained, simplified overview of the steps carried out.

  1. create driver for SUT (classes): prepare necessary configuration which specifies object state revealing methods and apply driver-generator
  2. create test cases against created test adapter: Use these generated test adapter classes as target classes to create a certain amount of random test cases for every collection class by applying Randoop (e.g. 1024 test cases) and using provided scripts in collection-m00
    1. split initially generated test case files to files with given number of test cases using util-testnumberslicer.
  3. run comparision of the bug-finding capability by running mutation testing script (you have to ensure that created tests and test driver classes are located at the correct/configured location - see example batch file pitest-experiment.util.bat)
  4. the output of the script is saved to a file from which important data has been extracted manually to a spreadsheet for further analysis and evaluation of the results.
  5. results of the experiment run, important configuration files and the evaluation results have been archived under path collection-m00/results/experiment.util_seaa/run_7