
Bindings for Janus Gateway for the Elixir language

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Elixir Janus

Package responsible for communicating with Janus Gateway from Elixir's code level.

It can take advantage of various transport interfaces provided by Janus API, more info here.


This package is experimental and is not yet released to hex.


# handler example
defmodule CustomHandler do
  use Janus.Handler

  @impl true
  def init(_) do
    {:ok, %{}}

  # example of event's callback implementation
  @impl true
  def handle_created(_session_id, _transport, _meta, state) do
    # created event has been send by the gateway, handle it in any way e.g. log, store in database
    {:noreply, state}



Communicating with the gateway:

# user have to provide transport and handler modules that ElixirJanus can take advantage of
# this example uses previously created `CustomHandler` and `Janus.Transport.WS` package for transport
iex> alias Janus.{Connection, Session}
iex> alias Janus.Transport.WS
iex> {:ok, connection} = Connection.start_link(WS, {"WebSocket url to the gateway", WS.Adapters.WebSockex, [timeout: 5000]}, CustomHandler, {}, [])
iex> {:ok, session} = Session.start_link(connection, 5000)  # session module is responsible for applying `session_id` to all messages and keeping connection alive
iex> {:ok, response} = Session.execute_request(session, message_to_gateway)


defp deps do
    {:elixir_janus, github: "software-mansion-labs/elixir-janus"}


Supported transports:

  • Janus.Transport.WS - WebSockets transport package, for more information how to use given transport please refer to package's repository.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2020, Software Mansion

Software Mansion

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0