
0-git-workflow-practice-Stanley-Moukhametzianov created by GitHub Classroom

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Git Practice

A simple project to practice a few git/github workflows. Replace the contents of this file with the contents indicated in the instructions.

Link to article


Why did I choose this Link?

I liked that the article did a good job of summarizing all the major parts of chat gpt and chatbots. This can be very helpful to people who have never heard about chatbots or AI to get an introduction and look more into the use cases and legal issues surrounding the area. I also liked it because it convered some new areas like the gpt store which is something I have been experimenting with in my free time and could have major developments for AI projects.

The gpt store allows people to work and develop custom gpts that are highly specialized. So for example, you could train a model that helps you write emails or that makes your writing sound more professional and so on. This allows a lot more use cases and also can help with internet search. So if the model gets access to current information that could be much more helpful to a lot of people who want to use AI for summaries or when looking on google for an answer. So, it's something that I find very interesting and have been working with for some side projects.

Comment from Yura Wu (cw3460)

I find this article really helpful as well, especially with the rise of AI chatbot usage in recent years. I like how you mentioned the legal issues regarding the usage of AI since it is not often brought up in most conversations. I am also very excited to see how AI would be utilized in the future to help with productivity, efficiency and convenience, etc.