
0-git-workflow-practice-yurawu27 created by GitHub Classroom

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It is corny to say but I am facinated by how AI has become one of the most talked topic in software development in recent years. One thing I found interesting about this article is that it explains how AI won't replaced humans (as many claimed) but will become a tool that change the way we work. It mentions how the way of thinking will shift from "design" to "platform" with AI at the core of platform and SaaS development. Moreover, it states that AI enables the business to "bring ideas to reality very rapidly" which I am specifically excited about. I am curious about how AI will shape the future of software development as it continuouslt to grow.

Comment by Stanley Moukhametzianov (sm9231)

I mostly agree with the articles view on AI while it is very useful, AI as a whole is very prone to bugs and as seen with chatGPT can be prone to make stuff up for give the wrong information. As such, I see it as being mostly be used as a tool to speed up repetative tasks that can be easily automated. Overall, it would be beneficial and allow software to be developed faster. :D

Comment by Wei Luo (yl7408)

It is time to start worrying about the threat of Artificial intelligence to software engineers. From my perspective, it will indeed replace some software engineers without experience or without outstanding skills. To survive, focus on more advanced topic, such as machine learning, natural language processing and even AI itself is needed for technology partitioners to survive.