Svelte Wagmi

Svelte Wagmi is a package that provides a collection of Svelte stores and functions for interacting with the Ethereum network. It utilizes the @wagmi/core library for connecting to Ethereum networks and signing transactions.


To install the package and its peer dependencies, run the following command:

npm install svelte-wagmi viem @wagmi/core



The connected store indicates whether the application is currently connected to an Ethereum provider. It is a boolean store that is set to true when the application is connected and false otherwise.

Example usage:

	import { connected } from 'svelte-wagmi';

{#if $connected}
<p>Connected to Ethereum</p>
<p>Not connected to Ethereum</p>


The wagmiLoaded store indicates whether the @wagmi/core library has been loaded and initialized. It is a boolean store that is set to true when the library is loaded and false otherwise.

Example usage:

	import { wagmiLoaded } from 'svelte-wagmi';

{#if $wagmiLoaded}
<p>@wagmi/core is loaded and initialized</p>
<p>@wagmi/core is not yet loaded</p>


The chainId store contains the current chain ID of the connected Ethereum provider. It is a number store that is set to null if the provider is not connected or if the chain ID is unknown.

Example usage:

	import { chainId } from 'svelte-wagmi';

{#if $chainId}
<p>Current chain ID: {$chainId}</p>
<p>Chain ID not yet available</p>


The signerAddress store contains the current signer address of the connected Ethereum provider. It is a string store that is set to null if the provider is not connected or if the signer address is unknown.

Example usage:

	import { signerAddress } from 'svelte-wagmi';

{#if $signerAddress}
<p>Current signer address: {$signerAddress}</p>
<p>Signer address not yet available</p>


The loading store indicates whether the application is currently loading data from the Ethereum provider. It is a boolean store that is set to true when the application is loading and false otherwise.

Example usage:

	import { loading } from 'svelte-wagmi';

{#if $loading}
<p>Loading data...</p>
<p>Data loaded</p>


The web3Modal store contains an instance of the Web3Modal class from the @web3modal/html package. It is used to display a modal for connecting to an Ethereum provider using WalletConnect or other methods. Example usage:

	import { web3Modal } from 'svelte-wagmi';

{#if $web3Modal}
<button on:click="{()" ="">$web3Modal.openModal()}> Connect to Ethereum</button>

<p>Web3Modal not yet available</p>


The defaultConfig function is used to configure the @wagmi/core library and initialize the Svelte stores. It takes an optional options object that can be used to configure the behavior of the function.

  • autoConnect (boolean, default: true): Specifies whether the Ethereum client should automatically connect to a provider upon initialization. If set to true, the client will attempt to connect automatically.
  • appName (string, default: 'Erc.Kit'): Specifies the name of the application using the Ethereum client.
  • appIcon (string): Specifies the URL or path to an icon representing the application.
  • appDescription (string): Specifies the description of the application.
  • appUrl (string): Specifies the URL of the application.
  • chains (array, default: defaultChains): An array of chain configurations to connect with. If not provided, the function will use default chain configurations.
  • alchemyId (string): The API key for the Alchemy provider, used for connecting to the Alchemy service.
  • infuraId (string): The API key for the Infura provider, used for connecting to the Infura service.
  • connectors (object): An object containing customized connector configurations for the Ethereum client.
  • publicClient (object): Specifies a pre-configured public client object.
  • stallTimeout (number): Specifies the stall timeout value for the Ethereum client.
  • walletConnectProjectId (string): The project ID used for the WalletConnect integration.

Return Value:

The defaultConfig function returns an object with the following properties:

  • init: A function that can be called to initialize the Ethereum client and set up the connections based on the provided configurations.

Example usage:

		import { defaultConfig } from 'svelte-wagmi';
		import { onMount } from 'svelte';
		import { PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_ID, PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_ID } from '$env/static/public';

	onMount(async () => {
			const erckit = defaultConfig({
				appName: 'erc.kit',
				walletConnectProjectId: PUBLIC_WALLETCONNECT_ID,
				alchemyId: PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_ID

			await erckit.init();

configureWagmi (deprecated)

The configureWagmi function is used to configure the @wagmi/core library and initialize the Svelte stores. It takes an optional options object that can be used to configure the behavior of the function.

  • walletconnect (optional): A boolean that indicates whether to enable WalletConnect support. If this is set to true, the walletconnectProjectID option must also be provided.
  • walletconnectProjectID (optional): A string that contains the Project ID for the WalletConnect service. This is required if walletconnect is set to true.
  • alchemyKey (optional): A string that contains the API key for the Alchemy service. This is required if you want to use the Alchemy provider.
  • autoConnect (optional): A boolean that indicates whether to automatically connect to the Ethereum provider on page load.

Example usage:

	import { configureWagmi } from 'svelte-wagmi';

		walletconnect: true,
		walletconnectProjectID: '1234567890',
		alchemyKey: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456',
		autoConnect: true


The configuredConnectors are store value array

Example usage:

	import { configuredConnectors } from 'svelte-wagmi';

	for (const connector of $configuredConnectors) {

<button on:click="{connectToEthereum}">Connect to Ethereum</button>


The connection function is used to connect to an Ethereum provider using the InjectedConnector from @wagmi/core. It takes two parameters:

  • chainId (optional): A number that specifies the chain ID to connect to. The default is 1 (mainnet).

  • statement (optional): A string that specifies the statement to be signed by the user when logging in.

    Example usage:

	import { connection } from 'svelte-wagmi';

	async function connectToEthereum() {
		await connection();

<button on:click="{connectToEthereum}">Connect to Ethereum</button>


The WC function is used to connect to an Ethereum provider using WalletConnect. It takes one parameter:

  • statement (optional): A string that specifies the statement to be signed by the user when logging in.

    Example usage:

	import { WC } from 'svelte-wagmi';

	async function connectToEthereum() {
		await WC('Sign in to the app with Ethereum');
<button on:click="{connectToEthereum}">Connect to Ethereum</button>


The disconnectWagmi function is used to disconnect from the Ethereum provider and clear the Svelte stores. Example usage:

	import { disconnectWagmi } from 'svelte-wagmi';

	async function disconnectFromEthereum() {
		await disconnectWagmi();

<button on:click="{disconnectFromEthereum}">Disconnect from Ethereum</button>

Svelte stores

The svelte-wagmi library also provides several Svelte stores that can be used to retrieve information about the user's Ethereum connection:

  • connected: A boolean that indicates whether the user is connected to an Ethereum provider.
  • wagmiLoaded: A boolean that indicates whether the @wagmi/core library has been loaded.
  • chainId: A number that indicates the chain ID of the user's Ethereum connection.
  • signerAddress: A string that contains the Ethereum address of the user's account.
  • loading: A boolean that indicates whether the library is currently loading. Example usage:
	import { connected, chainId, signerAddress } from 'svelte-wagmi';

	$: console.log('Connected:', $connected);
	$: console.log('Chain ID:', $chainId);
	$: console.log('Signer address:', $signerAddress);

<p>Connected: {$connected ? 'Yes' : 'No'}</p>
<p>Chain ID: {$chainId}</p>
<p>Signer address: {$signerAddress}</p>

Using @wagmi/core

You can use any wagmi/core functions

		import { getAccount, switchNetwork } from '@wagmi/core';

		const account = getAccount();

		const network = await switchNetwork({
	  chainId: 69,


changing network using @wagmi/core will also chage the svelte-wagmi: chainId store

$signerAddress and getAccount() are the same ETH address


this is a basic package I made for projects and can add more features if people like this.