
Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

EMV tags functions


Handle encoding and decoding of BER-TLV data to/from string.

Public API


(emvString, result, dolIdx)

Decodes EMV tag string from BER-TVL format to EMV tag object


  • emvString (string) - EMV tags in BER-TLV format
  • result (object) - result to return
  • dolIdx (integer) - position of the current tag in a DOL

result (object); each key: value pair contains the following:

  • key - EMV tag key

  • value (object) - EMV tag object

    • tag (string) - EMV tag
    • val (string) - EMV tag value OR nested EMV tags object, in the case when tag is a DOL tag
    • len (integer) - length of val in bytes

    NOTE: if the current tag is a DOL tag, val will have the following key: value structure:

  • key - EMV tag key

  • value (object) - EMV tag object

    • tag (string) - EMV tag
    • val (string) - EMV tag value; NOTE: as the value of a DOL tag does not contain values for nested tags, this is usually ''
    • len (integer) - length of val in bytes
    • idx (integer) - position of the tag in the DOL



Adds values for tags nested in DOLs


  • emvTags (object) - each key: value pair contains the following:
    • key - EMV tag key
    • value (object) - EMV tag object
      • tag (string) - EMV tag
      • val (string) - EMV tag value; NOTE: as the value of a DOL tag does not contain values for nested tags, this is usually ''
      • len (integer) - length of val in bytes NOTE: for each DOL tag, val will have the following key: value structure:
  • key - EMV tag key
  • value (object) - EMV tag object
    • tag (string) - EMV tag
    • val (string) - EMV tag value
    • len (integer) - length of val in bytes
    • idx (integer) - position of the tag in the DOL

result (object) - emvTags input object, with added values for tags nested in DOLs



Encodes EMV tag object to EMV tag string


  • emvTags (object) - each key: value pair contains the following:
    • key - EMV tag key
    • value (object) - EMV tag object
      • val (string) - EMV tag value
      • tag (string) - EMV tag
      • len (integer) - length of val in bytes
      • idx (integer) - indicates the position of the current tag; NOTE: present only in case the input tags have to be ordered before encoding


  • (string) - EMV tag string in BER-TLV format



Reduces EMV tag object to key: value pairs

params (object); each key: value pair contains the following:

  • key - EMV tag key
  • value (object) - EMV tag object
    • tag (string) - EMV tag
    • val (string) - EMV tag value
    • len (integer) - length of val in bytes

result (object); each key: value pair contains the following:

  • key - EMV tag key
  • value (string) - EMV tag value val



Expands key: value pairs to EMV tags object

params (object); Default: {}; each key: value pair contains the following:

  • key - EMV tag key
  • value (string) - EMV tag

result (object); each key: value pair contains the following:

  • key - EMV tag key
  • value (object) - EMV tag object
    • tag (string) - EMV tag
    • val (string) - EMV tag value
    • len (integer) - length of val in bytes


Known EMV tags

  • Amount, Authorised (NUMERIC)

    • tag: 9F02
    • key: amountAuthorised
  • Amount, Other (NUMERIC)

    • tag: 9F03
    • key: amountOther,
  • Terminal Country Code

    • tag: 9F1A
    • key: terminalCountryCode,
  • Transaction Currency Code

    • tag: 5F2A
    • key: transactionCurrencyCode,
  • Transaction Date

    • tag: 9A
    • key: transactionDate,
  • Transaction Type

    • tag: 9C
    • key: transactionType,
  • Template, AEF Data

    • tag: 70
    • key: templateAEFData,
  • Issuer Public Key Certificate

    • tag: 90
    • key: issuerPublicKeyCertificate,
  • Issuer Public Key Remainder

    • tag: 92
    • key: issuerPublicKeyRemainder,
  • Certification Authority Public Key Index (PKI)

    • tag: 8F
    • key: certificationAuthorityPublicKeyIndex,
  • Unpredictable Number (UN)

    • tag: 9F37
    • key: unpredictableNumber,
  • Issuer Public Key Exponent

    • tag: 9F32
    • key: issuerPublicKeyExponent,
  • Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1)

    • tag: 8C
    • key: CDOL1,
  • Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2)

    • tag: 8D
    • key: CDOL2,
  • Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL)

    • tag: 97
    • key: TDOL,
  • Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)

    • tag: 9F38
    • key: PDOL,
  • Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL)

    • tag: 9F49
    • key: DDOL,
  • Track 2 Equivalent Data

    • tag: 57
    • key: track2EquivalentData,
  • Application Primary Account Number (PAN)

    • tag: 5A
    • key: pan,
  • Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number (PSN)

    • tag: 5F34
    • key: panSeqNum,
  • Application Transaction Counter (ATC)

    • tag: 9F36
    • key: atc,
  • Application Cryptogram (AC)

    • tag: 9F26
    • key: applicationCryptogram,
  • Cryptogram Information Data (CID)

    • tag: 9F27
    • key: cryptogramInformationData,
  • Application Version Number, Terminal

    • tag: 9F09
    • key: terminalApplicationVersionNumber,
  • Terminal Capabilities

    • tag: 9F33
    • key: terminalCapabilities,
  • Terminal Type

    • tag: 9F35
    • key: terminalType,
  • Transaction Sequence Counter

    • tag: 9F41
    • key: transactionSequenceCounter,
  • Acquirer Identifier

    • tag: 9F01
    • key: acquirerIdentifier,
  • Additional Terminal Capabilities (ATC)

    • tag: 9F40
    • key: additionalTerminalCapabilities,
  • Amount, Authorised (Binary)

    • tag: 81
    • key: amountAuthorisedBinary,
  • Amount, Other (Binary)

    • tag: 9F04
    • key: amountOtherBinary,
  • Amount, Reference Currency (Binary)

    • tag: 9F3A
    • key: amountReferenceCurrency,
  • Currency Code, Application

    • tag: 9F42
    • key: applicationCurrencyCode,
  • Currency Exponent, Application

    • tag: 9F44
    • key: applicationCurrencyExponent,
  • Application Discretionary Data

    • tag: 9F05
    • key: applicationDiscretionaryData,
  • Application Effective Date

    • tag: 5F25
    • key: applicationEffectiveDate,
  • Application Expiration Date

    • tag: 5F24
    • key: applicationExpirationDate,
  • Application File Locator (AFL)

    • tag: 94
    • key: applicationFileLocatorAFL,
  • Application Identifier (ADF Name)

    • tag: 4F
    • key: applicationIdentifierAIDCard,
  • Application Identifier (AID), Terminal

    • tag: 9F06
    • key: applicationIdentifierAIDTerminal,
  • Application Interchange Profile (AIP)

    • tag: 82
    • key: applicationInterchangeProfile,
  • Application Label

    • tag: 50
    • key: applicationLabel,
  • Application Preferred Name

    • tag: 9F12
    • key: applicationPreferredName,
  • Application Priority Indicator

    • tag: 87
    • key: applicationPriorityIndicator,
  • Currency Code, Application Reference

    • tag: 9F3B
    • key: applicationReferenceCurrency,
  • Currency Exponent, Application Reference

    • tag: 9F43
    • key: applicationReferenceCurrencyExponent,
  • Application Template

    • tag: 61
    • key: applicationTemplate,
  • Application Usage Control (AUC)

    • tag: 9F07
    • key: applicationUsageControl,
  • Application Version Number, Card

    • tag: 9F08
    • key: applicationVersionNumber,
  • Authorisation Code

    • tag: 89
    • key: authorisationCode,
  • Authorisation Response Code (ARC)

    • tag: 8A
    • key: authorisationResponseCode,
  • Bank Identifier Code (BIC)

    • tag: 5F54
    • key: bankIdentifierCodeBIC,
  • Cardholder Name

    • tag: 5F20
    • key: cardholderName,
  • Cardholder Name - Extended

    • tag: 9F0B
    • key: cardholderNameExtended,
  • Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List

    • tag: 8E
    • key: cvmList,
  • Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results

    • tag: 9F34
    • key: cvmResults,
  • Public Key Index, Certification Authority, Terminal

    • tag: 9F22
    • key: terminalCertificationAuthorityPublicKeyIndex,
  • Command Template

    • tag: 83
    • key: commandTemplate,
  • Data Authentication Code

    • tag: 9F45
    • key: dataAuthenticationCode,
  • Dedicated File (DF) Name

    • tag: 84
    • key: dedicatedFileDFName,
  • Directory Definition File (DDF) Name

    • tag: 9D
    • key: directoryDefinitionFileDDFName,
  • Directory Discretionary Template

    • tag: 73
    • key: directoryDiscretionaryTemplate,
  • File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Data

    • tag: BF0C
    • key: fciIssuerDiscretionaryData,
  • File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template

    • tag: A5
    • key: fciProprietaryTemplate,
  • File Control Information (FCI) Template

    • tag: 6F
    • key: fciTemplate,
  • ICC Dynamic Number

    • tag: 9F4C
    • key: iccDynamicNumber,
  • Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate

    • tag: 9F2D
    • key: iccPINEnciphermentPublicKeyCertificate,
  • Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent

    • tag: 9F2E
    • key: iccPINEnciphermentPublicKeyExponent,
  • Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder

    • tag: 9F2F
    • key: iccPINEnciphermentPublicKeyRemainder,
  • Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Public Key Certificate

    • tag: 9F46
    • key: iccPublicKeyCertificate,
  • Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Public Key Exponent

    • tag: 9F47
    • key: iccPublicKeyExponent,
  • Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Public Key Remainder

    • tag: 9F48
    • key: iccPublicKeyRemainder,
  • Interface Device (IFD) Serial Number

    • tag: 9F1E
    • key: interfaceDeviceIFDSerialNumber,
  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN)

    • tag: 5F53
    • key: internationalBankAccountNumberIBAN,
  • Issuer Action Code - Default

    • tag: 9F0D
    • key: issuerActionCodeDefault,
  • Issuer Action Code - Denial

    • tag: 9F0E
    • key: issuerActionCodeDenial,
  • Issuer Action Code - Online

    • tag: 9F0F
    • key: issuerActionCodeOnline,
  • Issuer Application Data (IAD)

    • tag: 9F10
    • key: issuerApplicationData,
  • Issuer Authentication Data

    • tag: 91
    • key: issuerAuthenticationData,
  • Issuer Code Table Index

    • tag: 9F11
    • key: issuerCodeTableIndex,
  • Issuer Country Code

    • tag: 5F28
    • key: issuerCountryCode,
  • Issuer Country Code (alpha2 format)

    • tag: 5F55
    • key: issuerCountryCodeAlpha2Format,
  • Issuer Country Code (alpha3 format)

    • tag: 5F56
    • key: issuerCountryCodeAlpha3Format,
  • Issuer Identification Number (IIN)

    • tag: 42
    • key: iin,
  • Issuer Script Command

    • tag: 86
    • key: issuerScriptCommand,
  • Issuer Script Identifier

    • tag: 9F18
    • key: issuerScriptIdentifier,
  • Issuer Script Template 1

    • tag: 71
    • key: issuerScriptTemplate1,
  • Issuer Script Template 2

    • tag: 72
    • key: issuerScriptTemplate2,
  • Issuer Uniform resource locator (URL)

    • tag: 5F50
    • key: issuerURL,
  • Language Preference

    • tag: 5F2D
    • key: languagePreference,
  • Last Online Application Transaction Counter (ATC) Register

    • tag: 9F13
    • key: lastOnlineATCRegister,
  • Log Entry

    • tag: 9F4D
    • key: logEntry,
  • Log Format

    • tag: 9F4F
    • key: logFormat,
  • Lower Consecutive Offline Limit (LCOL)

    • tag: 9F14
    • key: lowerConsecutiveOfflineLimit,
  • Merchant Category Code (MCC)

    • tag: 9F15
    • key: merchantCategoryCode,
  • Merchant Identifier

    • tag: 9F16
    • key: merchantIdentifier,
  • Merchant Name and Location

    • tag: 9F4E
    • key: merchantNameAndLocation,
  • Personal Identification Number (PIN) Try Counter

    • tag: 9F17
    • key: pinTryCounter,
  • Point-of-Service (POS) Entry Mode

    • tag: 9F39
    • key: pointOfServicePOSEntryMode,
  • Response Message Template Format 1

    • tag: 80
    • key: responseMessageTemplateFormat1,
  • Response Message Template Format 2

    • tag: 77
    • key: responseMessageTemplateFormat2,
  • Service Code

    • tag: 5F30
    • key: serviceCode,
  • Short File Identifier (SFI)

    • tag: 88
    • key: sfi,
  • Signed Dynamic Application Data (SDAD)

    • tag: 9F4B
    • key: signedDynamicApplicationData,
  • Signed Static Application Data (SAD)

    • tag: 93
    • key: signedStaticApplicationData,
  • Static Data Authentication Tag List (SDA)

    • tag: 9F4A
    • key: staticDataAuthenticationTagList,
  • Terminal Floor Limit

    • tag: 9F1B
    • key: terminalFloorLimit,
  • Terminal Identification

    • tag: 9F1C
    • key: terminalIdentification,
  • Terminal Risk Management Data

    • tag: 9F1D
    • key: terminalRiskManagementData,
  • Terminal Verification Results (TVR)

    • tag: 95
    • key: terminalVerificationResults,
  • Track 1 Discretionary Data

    • tag: 9F1F
    • key: track1DiscretionaryData,
  • Track 2 Discretionary Data

    • tag: 9F20
    • key: track2DiscretionaryData,
  • Transaction Certificate (TC) Hash Value

    • tag: 98
    • key: transactionCertificateTCHashValue,
  • Transaction Currency Exponent

    • tag: 5F36
    • key: transactionCurrencyExponent,
  • Transaction Personal Identification Number (PIN) Data

    • tag: 99
    • key: pinData,
  • Currency Code, Transaction Reference

    • tag: 9F3C
    • key: transactionReferenceCurrencyCode,
  • Currency Exponent, Transaction Reference

    • tag: 9F3D
    • key: transactionReferenceCurrencyExponent,
  • Transaction Status Information (TSI)

    • tag: 9B
    • key: transactionStatusInformation,
  • Transaction Time

    • tag: 9F21
    • key: transactionTime,
  • Upper Consecutive Offline Limit (UCOL)

    • tag: 9F23
    • key: upperConsecutiveOfflineLimit

Long tags

Indicates the value of the first byte for tags known to be two bytes long

  • 5f
  • 9f

DOL numeric types

Indicates the data type for tags in DOLs

  • 9F37 - non numeric
  • 9F02 - non numeric
  • 9F03 - non numeric
  • 9F1A - non numeric
  • 5F2A - non numeric
  • 9A - non numeric
  • 9C - non numeric