
Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

UT Port HTTP Client

Create http/s requests based on request module


  • id: unique identification of port

  • logLevel: trace, debug or info.

  • url: remote server URL http://example.com:80.

  • uri: remote server request URI /about.html.

  • method: http request method POST or GET.

  • receive: incoming message convert function , return object or promise.

  • send: outgoing message convert function, return object or promise .

  • tls: can be used to enable TLS. For detailed information see tls.createSecureContext and request TLS/SSL Protocol

    Accepts the options:

    • cert - Path to client certificate file
    • key - Path to client certificate private key file
    • passphrase - Client certificate passphrase
    • ca - Path to trusted root certificate, usually needed for using self signed certificates.

Additional configuration options:

  • raw: this property can be set in config file only, everything in this property will be merged with current configuration
  • parseResponse: to parse the response or not, defaults to true
  • parseOptions: to pass certain options when parsing the response (based on the content type) example:
    "parseResponse": true,
    "parseOptions": {
        "application/xml": {
            "explicitArray": true
  • requestTimeout: in ms, time before timeout error emit, defaults to 30 sec.
  • headers: object containing request header values.
  • namespace: Array containing different namespaces of this port.
  • start: function that will be called once on creation of port. It can be used for setting global variables and initializing objects.


Response is always an object containing response from remote server or error. If server returns status code different from 200 (OK) or some error occurred during the process, the response message object will look like:

        mtid: 'error',
        errorCode: '',
        errorMessage: ''

Message properties:

  • payload: Contains response data returned from the remote server. If header content-type contains /xml and parseResponse = true the data will be converted to javascript object, the same is for Json, if for some reason parseResponse=true and there is not parser available for parsing the response, error will be emitted
  • headers: Response headers.
  • httpStatus: Response status code.


Example index.js configuration file used for making web service requests to external system. Send and receive are used for modifying message object just before it is sent and just after response is received.

var xmpParser = require('./xmlParser');
var loadTemplate;
module.exports = {
    id: 't24',
    type: 'http',
    logLevel: 'trace',
    url: 'http://twsdevcloudservice.cloudapp.net',
    uri: '/swg/swg.svc',
    method: 'post',
    namespace: ['cbs'],

    start: function() {
        loadTemplate = this.bus.importMethod('template.load');

    receive:function(msg) {
        if(msg.$$.mtid == 'error'){
            return msg;
        return xmpParser.parse(msg.$$.opcode, msg.payload)
            .then(function(res) {

                if(res.successIndicator != 'Success'){
                    msg.$$.mtid = 'error';
                    msg.$$.errorCode = res.messageId;
                    msg.$$.errorMessage = Array.isArray(res.message)
                        ? res.message.join('; ')
                        : res.message;
                    return msg;
                msg.payload = res;
                return msg;

    send:function(msg) {
        msg.headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'};
        var templatePath = require.resolve('./' + msg.$$.opcode + '.xml.marko');

        var template = loadTemplate(templatePath);

        return template.render(msg).then(function(res) {
            msg.payload = res;
            msg.$$.opcode = msg.opcode || msg.$$.opcode;
            return msg;

Open API

ut-port-http provides the possibility to be used as a swagger client in a semi-automatic fashion. For this aim an additional configuration property called openApi must be provided.


module.exports = (...params) => {
    return class swaggerClient extends require('ut-port-http')(...params) {
        get defaults() {
            return {
                namespace: [
                openApi: {
                    'provider1': require('./provider2-swagger.json'),
                    'provider2.segment1': require.resolve('./provider2/segment1-swagger.json'),
                    'provider2.segment2': require.resolve('./provider2/segment2-swagger.json'),
                    'provider3': 'http://www.provider3.com/swagger.json'

Note that the openApi configuration property represents a map where:

  • the keys determine how the operation IDs of the document will be prefixed. For example if the document is prefixed with key provider2.segment2 and contains a route with operationId operationX, then it will be accessible via the method provider2.segment2.operationX through the bus. Therefore the first parts (before the first dot) of all prefixes must be present in the namespace array.

  • the values are the documents themselves. All three approaches are acceptable as a value:

    • the content of the swagger document
    • path to a local swagger document
    • url for obtaining the document with http GET request

The message format for calling these auto-generated swagger methods has the following specifics:

  • can have a body property which will be used as a payload
  • can have a params property which ill be used for extracting path, query and header parameters.


await utMethod('provider2.segment2.operationX')({
    body: {
        payloadProp1: 'payloadValue1',
        payloadProp2: 'payloadValue2'
    params: {
        param1: 'value1',
        param2: 'value2'

For more information see ut-openapi request format