

Use the screenshots below to define the following properties:


  • Bot properties
    • appId - use Microsoft App Id, highlighted in the screenshot below
    • secret - create a client secret from certificate & secrets (click on Manage next to Microsoft App Id)
  • Context properties
    • clientId - set to skype/<Bot handle>, where <Bot handle> is the value highlighted in the screenshot
    • accessToken - same value as in secret parameter
    • name - use Display name (skype), where Display name is the string highlighted in the screenshot

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  • Bot properties - Use the same parameters as for skype
  • Context properties
    • clientId - use webchat/<Bot handle>, where <Bot handle> is the value highlighted in the first screenshot above
    • accessToken - the first one of the secret keys pair (see the screenshots below)
    • name - use Display name (webchat), where Display name is the string highlighted in the first screenshot above

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Embedding the Web Chat

There are 3 approaches of embedding the Web Chat in an external page:

  1. Put an iframe directly and place the Web Chat url as a source.

    Where the correct parameters should be set:

    • {hostname} - implementation hostname
    • {appId} - as described in the skype section
    • {clientId} - as described in the webchat section
        <iframe src="https://{hostname}/webchat/{appId}/{clientId}"></iframe>
  2. Use UT webchat script. Again set the correct hostname, appId and clientId as described for the first approach

        <script src="https://{hostname}/webchat/{appId}/{clientId}/webchat.js"></script>
  3. The third approach is mainly suitable for quick testing against an existing site. Simply create a bookmark and paste the following as URL. Again set the correct hostname, appId and clientId as described for the first approach

    javascript:void((function(){var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.setAttribute('src', 'https://{hostname}/webchat/{appId}/{clientId}/webchat.js');