StackOverflowException during coproduct derivation when using semi-auto
ghostbuster91 opened this issue · 0 comments
ghostbuster91 commented
Given following coproduct
sealed trait ACoproduct extends Product with Serializable
object ACoproduct {
case class ProductA(id: String) extends ACoproduct
case class ProductB(id: String) extends ACoproduct
when defining diff instance for such coproduct inside method:
"should work for coproducts" in {
implicit val dACoproduct: Diff[ACoproduct] = Diff.derived[ACoproduct]
Diff[ACoproduct].apply(ProductA("1"), ProductA("1")) shouldBe Identical(ProductA("1"))
Compilation fails with the following message:
DiffSemiautoTest.scala:43:62: forward reference extends over definition of value dACoproduct
[error] implicit val dACoproduct: Diff[ACoproduct] = Diff.derived[ACoproduct]
Moving instance definition to the class level fixes the compilation but causes Stackoverflow exception in runtime:
[info] com.softwaremill.diffx.test.DiffSemiautoTest *** ABORTED ***
[info] java.lang.StackOverflowError:
[info] at magnolia.SealedTrait.rec$1(interface.scala:403)
[info] at magnolia.SealedTrait.dispatch(interface.scala:408)
[info] at$softwaremill$diffx$generic$DiffMagnoliaDerivation$$$anonfun$dispatch$1(DiffMagnoliaDerivation.scala:31)
Wrapping both the instance and the result type with the Derived
class fixes that problem in both cases:
implicit val dACoproduct: Derived[Diff[ACoproduct]] = Derived(Diff.derived[ACoproduct])
but it doesn't seem that it should work like that.