- 6
- 0
Add one line formatting to ShowConfig
#460 opened by Awethon - 0
Question: Define common `Diff`s in a shared trait
#458 opened by matankdr - 0
setup versioning scheme
#415 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
Setup mima
#414 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
Migrate CI setup to nix
#449 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
Ignore structure inside Option field
#443 opened by gregorath - 3
Objects with multi-line toString method are not rendered properly in diff results
#433 opened by UnaiUribarri-TomTom - 9
- 0
Scala 3 Auto Derivation doesn't seem to work
#426 opened by yzia2000 - 0
Provide `Diff[Unit]`
#425 opened by kubukoz - 9
Unable to `modify` nested case class
#418 opened by masonedmison - 0
Trailing whitespace is ignored
#422 opened by kubukoz - 2
`modify` creates a `Diff` that fails with a `ClassCastException` when using a set for comparison
#421 opened by AvaPL - 2
Returning `IdenticalValue` for a case class
#420 opened by AvaPL - 1
resolve version conflict in
#399 opened by mkrzemien - 1
build on master not working
#400 opened by mkrzemien - 5
Docs should require versions
#376 opened by will-sargent-eero - 1
provide nix-shell
#380 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
Comparing JSON objects causes StackOverflowError
#373 opened by anton-zen - 0
configure lsif
#345 opened by ghostbuster91 - 5
Enable users to control `renderIdentical` parameter over the test Matchers
#327 opened by tanishiking - 0
Add smart license check
#335 opened by ghostbuster91 - 2
- 0
respect NO_COLORS variable
#289 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
add support for scala 3
#257 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
Add badge with supported scala versions
#312 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
- 0
Change Diff back to invariant TC
#316 opened by ghostbuster91 - 1
fix edit on github button
#266 opened by ghostbuster91 - 1
- 1
add diff instance for uuid
#264 opened by ghostbuster91 - 1
java.time instances
#272 opened by ghostbuster91 - 0
- 5
.show should not render ignored fields
#145 opened by MasseGuillaume - 0
Improve ergonomics with objectMatcher
#253 opened by ghostbuster91 - 2
Trouble deriving Diff for refined type
#249 opened by bbarker - 1
- 0
- 4
- 3
NullPointerException is thrown when you compare 2 instances of a case class and one of the instances has a null value and the other one has a valid string.
#195 opened by emilianotebes - 1
Are there any plans to release the latest version?
#182 opened by zaneli - 2
ScalaTest matchTo to support matching Options
#143 opened by kostaskougios - 1
Cannot compare scala.Range
#126 opened by jhitt-tst - 6
- 1
Additional/Missing String rendering look inverted (Iterable/multiline String/...)
#90 opened by Baztoune - 5
Improve MatchResults error message.
#74 opened by dpennell - 2
Writing generic methods that use matchTo
#68 opened by gregghz - 2
Multiline strings comparison
#69 opened by vsuharnikov - 1
bad qualifier received: mkAttributedQualifier
#73 opened by markus1189