Ettus Research USRP FPGA HDL Source
Welcome to the USRP FPGA HDL source code tree! This repository contains free & open-source FPGA HDL for the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP™) SDR platform, created and sold by Ettus Research. A large percentage of the source code is written in Verilog.
Product Generations
This repository contains the FPGA source for the following generations of USRP devices.
Generation 1
- Directory: usrp1
- Devices: USRP Classic Only
- Tools: Quartus from Altera
- Build Instructions
Generation 2
- Directory: usrp2
- Devices: USRP N2X0, USRP B100, USRP E1X0, USRP2
- Tools: ISE from Xilinx, GNU make
- Build Instructions
- Customization Instructions
Generation 3
- Directory: usrp3
- Devices: USRP B2X0, USRP X Series, USRP E3X0, USRP N3xx
- Tools: Vivado from Xilinx, ISE from Xilinx, GNU make
- Build Instructions
- Simulation
Pre-built FPGA Images
Pre-built FPGA and Firmware images are not hosted here. Please visit the FPGA and Firmware manual page for instructions on downloading and using pre-built images. In most cases, running the following command will do the right thing.
$ uhd_images_downloader
Building This Manual
This FPGA manual is available on the web at for the most recent stable version of UHD. If you wish to read documentation for a custom/unstable branch you will need to build it and open it locally using a web browser. To do so please install Doxygen on your system and run the following commands:
$ cd docs
$ make
$ sensible-browser html/index.html