
This script accepts a list of urls, applies tuning, & removes redundancies, and outputs the normalized list

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This script accepts a list of urls, applies tuning, & removes redundancies, and outputs the normalized list

Base use from file, (urlsin.txt and tunelist.cfg already configured):

python3 tunelist.py

Interactive mode, supply a list of urls on the fly:

python3 tunelist.py -n

Specify custom input file and/or config file

python3 tunelist.py -i <filein (Default urlsin.txt)> -c <configfile (Default tunelist.cfg)>

Available modes (as configured in tunelist.cfg)

Mode 1 tune by url path only

Mode 2 tune by URL path and query params without values

Mode 3 tune by URL and query with selected navigational values only

Mode 4 tune by all URL paths params and values