
Shinobi Academy Linux: A Linux Learning Playground Situation

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Shinobi Academy Linux: A Linux Learning Playground Situation

"Shinobi Academy Linux"

wanna play with the application in this picture? connect to the server using the instructions below and run the command hollywood


Welcome, aspiring Linux ninjas! This tutorial will guide you through accessing Shinobi Academy Linux, a custom-built server designed to provide a safe and engaging environment for you to learn and experiment with Linux. Brought to you by Softwareshinobi (https://softwareshinobi.digital/), this server is your gateway to the exciting world of open-source exploration.

What You'll Learn:

  • Connecting to a Linux server (using SSH)
  • Basic Linux commands (navigation, listing files, etc.)
  • Exploring pre-installed tools like cmatrix and hollywood

What You'll Need:

  • A computer with internet access
  • An SSH client (built-in on most Linux and macOS systems, downloadable for Windows)

About Shinobi Academy:

Shinobi Academy, the online learning platform brought to you by Softwareshinobi!

Designed to empower aspiring tech enthusiasts, Shinobi Academy offers a comprehensive range of courses and resources to equip you with the skills you need to excel in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Connecting to Shinobi Academy Linux:

  1. Open your SSH client.
  2. Enter the following command (including the port number):
ssh -p 2222 shinobi@linux.softwareshinobi.digital 
  1. When prompted, enter the password "shinobi".
username / shinobi
password / shinobi

Congratulations! You're now connected to Shinobi Academy Linux.

Exploring the Server:

Once connected, you can use basic Linux commands to navigate the system and explore its features. Here are a few examples:

  • ls: Lists files and directories in the current directory.
  • cd: Changes directory. For example, cd Desktop will move you to the Desktop directory (if it exists).
  • pwd: Shows the current working directory.
  • man followed by a command name: Provides detailed information on a specific command (e.g., man ls).

Pre-installed Goodies:

Shinobi Academy Linux comes pre-installed with some interesting tools to enhance your learning experience:

  • cmatrix: Simulates the iconic falling code effect from the movie "The Matrix".
  • hollywood: Creates a variety of dynamic text effects on your terminal.

Experimenting with these tools is a great way to explore the possibilities of Linux.


By following these steps, you've successfully connected to Shinobi Academy Linux and begun your journey into the world of Linux. Use this platform to explore, experiment, and build your Linux skills!

A big thanks to Gemini for putting together these awesome docs!

Master Linux Like a Pro: 1-on-1 Tutoring:

Tired of fumbling in the terminal? Imagine wielding Linux commands with ease, managing servers like a corporate ninja – just like my government and corporate gigs.

1-on-1 tutoring unlocks your potential:

  • Terminal mastery: Conquer the command line and automate tasks like a pro.
  • Become a command jedi: Craft commands with lightning speed, streamlining your workflow.

Ready to transform your skills? Learn More!