
CoinPayment PHP client for Laravel 5.6

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CoinPayment is a Laravel module for handling transactions from CoinPayment like a create transaction, history transaction, etc. Example


  • Laravel ^5.6
  • PHP >= ^7.1
  • GuzzleHttp
  • Nesbot/Carbon


You can install the package via composer:

$ composer require hexters/coinpayment

Publishing vendor

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=coinpayment-publish

First you should add trait class on User model and use this trait Hexters\CoinPayment\Entities\CoinPaymentuserRelation check the example below:

        namespace App;

        use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
        use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
        use Hexters\CoinPayment\Entities\CoinPaymentuserRelation;

        class User extends Authenticatable {
            use Notifiable, CoinPaymentuserRelation;

Install CoinPayment configuration

$ php artisan coinpayment:install

Setting schedule for checking if transaction succeeded in your file app > console > kernel. example:

    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) {
        // If IPN is enable set the schedule for ->daily()
        // And if IPN is disable set schedule for ->everyMinute()


visit the Documentation Schedule

Install the table transaction

$ php artisan migrate

Installation finish.

Getting Started

Create Button transaction. Example placed on your controller

use CoinPayment; // use outside the class
    *   @required true
    $trx['amountTotal'] = 50; // USD
    $trx['note'] = 'Note for your transaction';

    *   @required true
    *   @example first item
    $trx['items'][0] = [
        'descriptionItem' => 'Product one',
        'priceItem' => 10, // USD
        'qtyItem' => 2,
        'subtotalItem' => 20 // USD

    *   @example second item
    $trx['items'][1] = [
        'descriptionItem' => 'Product two',
        'priceItem' => 10, // USD
        'qtyItem' => 3,
        'subtotalItem' => 30 // USD

    *   if you want to remember your data at a later date, you can add the parameter below
    $trx['payload'] = [
        // your custom array here
        'foo' => [
            'foo' => 'bar'

    $link_transaction = CoinPayment::url_payload($trx);
    *   On your blade
    *   <a href="{{ $link_transaction }}" target="_blank">Pay Now</a>

Please except the route from csrf process in the file app > Http > Middleware > VerifyCsrfToken.php

    protected $except = [

Open file app > Jobs > coinPaymentCallbackProccedJob.php for handling transaction process

And Open app > Jobs > IPNHandlerCoinPaymentJob.php for handling IPN process

Route Access

Route Name Route URL Method Description
coinpayment.transaction.histories /transactions/histories GET Route for access transaction histories

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BTC: 1388MHjeHmq6kUC7WpSS6pPtgG7hm7fCau