
Cross-Chain bridge based on Anyswap MPC network.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Cross-Chain bridge based on Anyswap MPC network.

Install the Docker version

1. Install Docker. This depends on your platform, on Ubuntu this works:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker.io

2. Download the Docker image and create and run the container:


docker run -itd --name swap --network host --restart always -v /var/lib/docker/swap:/swap anywap/swap


docker exec -d swap swaporacle ...

tools: swapserver swaporacle swapscan riskctrl swapadmin swaptools (/usr/local/bin)
conf: config-example.toml config-tokenpair-example.toml (/usr/local/bin)

Install the Source version


git clone https://github.com/anyswap/CrossChain-Bridge.git
cd crossChain-Bridge
make all

after building, the following files will be generated in ./build/bin directory:

swapserver	# server provide api service, and trigger swap processing
swaporacle      # oracle take part in mpc signing (can disagree illegal transaction)

Modify config file

copy the example config file config-example.toml in ./build/bin directory, and modify it accordingly.

see more, please refer config file example


Identifier should be a short string to identify the bridge (eg. BTC2ETH, BTC2FSN)


MongoDB is used by the server to store swap status and history, you should config according to your modgodb database setting. (the swap oracle don't need it)


APIServer is used by the server to provide API service to register swap and to provide history retrieving. (the swap oracle don't need it)


Oracle is needed by the swap oracle to post swap register RPC requests to swap server (the swap server don't need Oracle).


BtcExtra is used to customize fees when build transaction on Bitcoin blockchain


SrcChain is used to config the chain of source endpoint of the cross chain bridge.


SrcGateway is used to do RPC request to verify transactions on source blockchain, and to broadcast signed transaction.


DestChain is used to config the chain of dest endpoint of the cross chain bridge.


DestGateway is used to do RPC request to verify transactions on dest blockchain, and to broadcast signed transaction.


Dcrm is used to config DCRM node info and group info.

Initiators is used to specify the server dcrm user (initiators of dcrm sign)

Dcrm.DefaultNode is used to specify default dcrm node to connect.

Dcrm.OtherNodes is an array used by server to specify other initiators of dcrm node.

for the swap server, SignGroups is needed for dcrm signing.

Notice: If in test enviroment you may run more than one program of swap servers on one machine, Please specify different log file name to clarify the outputs. And please specify different config files for each server, and assgin KeystoreFile, PasswordFile and RPCAddress etc. separatly.

Modify token pair config files

copy the example config file config-tokenpair-example.toml in ./build/bin directory, and modify it accordingly.

see more, please refer token pair config file example


pair ID of this token pair, must be unique.


SrcToken is used to config the token of source endpoint of the cross chain bridge.


DestToken is used to config the token of dest endpoint of the cross chain bridge.

Run swap server

setsid ./build/bin/swapserver --verbosity 6 --config build/bin/config.toml --pairsdir build/bin/tokenpairs --log build/bin/logs/server.log

Run swap oracle

setsid ./build/bin/swaporacle --verbosity 6 --config build/bin/config.toml --pairsdir build/bin/tokenpairs --log build/bin/logs/oracle.log


swapserver and swaporacle has the following subcommands:

help       - to see hep info.
version - to show the version.
license - to show the license


Running swapserver and swaporacle to provide cross chain bridge service, we must prepare the following things firstly and config them rightly. Otherwise the program will not run or run rightly. To ensure this, we have add many checkings to the config items.

For the config file, please refer config file example

  1. create Mongodb database (shared by all swap servers of the bridge provider)

    config [MongoDB] section accordingly (eg. DbURL,DbName,UserName,Password)

    For security reason, we suggest:

    1. change the mongodb port ( defaults to 27017)
    2. enable auth
    3. create user with passord to access the database
  2. create MPC group

    For example, we take creating 2/3 theshold jonitly managed MPC group as an example.

    we have 3 users in the MPC group, each user is running a gdcrm node to perform MPC functions.

    1. user1 - build raw tx and trigger MPC signing
    2. user2, user3 - verify tx and accept the MPC signing with AGREE/DISAGREE result

    After created MPC group,

    We can get the corresponding MPC addresses on supported blockchains. Then we should config DcrmAddress in [SrcToken] and [DestToken] section according to the blockchain of them.

    We should config the [Dcrm] section accordingly( eg. GroupID, TotalOraclesMode, DefaultNode, etc.)

    And we should config the following [Dcrm] section items sparately for each user in the MPC group:

    1. KeystoreFile
    2. PasswordFile
    3. RPCAddress

    For example,

    we are configing user1 now, we should config KeystoreFile and PasswordFile use user1's keystore and password file (we will get user1's private key to sign a MPC requesting).

    And we should config RPCAddress to the RPC address of the running gdcrm node of user1 (we will do RPC calls to this address to complete MPC signing or accepting, etc.)

  3. create MPC sub-groups for signing

    In the above step we have created a 2/3 threshold MPC group.

    In signing we only need 2 members to agree.

    So we prepared the sub-groups (2/2) for signing. (eg. user1 + user2, user1 + user3) please see more detail about MPC here

    After created, we should config SignGroups in [Dcrm] accordingly.

  4. create mapping asset (eg. mBTC) contract with MPC account

    mBTC is an smart contract inherit from ERC20 and add two methods: Swapin and Swapout.

    please see more here about mBTC

    After created mBTC, we should config ContractAddress in [DestToken] section.

  5. config [APIServer] section

    The swap server provides RPC service to query swap status and swap history. etc.

    Please see more here about crossChain-Bridge-API

    We should config Port (defaults to 11556), and AllowedOrigins (CORS defaults to empty array. ["*"] for allow any)

  6. config [SrcChain],[SrcGateway]

    We should config APIAddress in [SrcGateway] section, to post RPC request to the running full node to get transaction, broadcat transaction etc.

    Config [SrcChain], ref. to the following example:

    BlockChain = "Bitcoin" # required
    NetID = "TestNet3"  # required
    Confirmations = 0 # suggest >= 6 for Mainnet # required
    InitialHeight = 0
    EnableScan = false
  7. config [DestChain], [DestGateway]

    We should config APIAddress in [DestGateway] section, to post RPC request to the running full node to get transaction, broadcat transaction etc.

    Config [DestChain] like [SrcChain].

  8. config Identifier to identify your crosschain bridge

    This should be a short string to identify the bridge (eg. BTC2ETH, BTC2FSN)

    Different MPC group can have same Identifier.

    It only matter if you want use a MPC group to provide multiple crosschain bridge service, and config each bridge with a different identifier (Notice: This way is not suggested)

  9. config [BtcExtra]

    When build and sign transaction on Bitcoin blockchain, we can customize the following items:

    MinRelayFee   = 400
    RelayFeePerKb = 2000
    UtxoAggregateMinCount = 20
    UtxoAggregateMinValue = 1000000

    If not configed, the default vlaue will be used (in fact, the above values are the defaults)

  10. config [SrcToken]

    Config [SrcToken], ref. to the following example:

    ID = ""
    Name = "Bitcoin Coin"
    Symbol = "BTC"
    Decimals = 8  # required
    Description = "Bitcoin Coin"
    ContractAddress = ""
    DepositAddress = "mq6XaNvFWiSJtfGYiGakkRdXNrqH6V4Jpu" # required
    DcrmAddress = "mfwPnCuht2b4Lvb5XTds4Rvzy3jZ2ZWrBL" # required
    DcrmPubkey = "045c8648793e4867af465691685000ae841dccab0b011283139d2eae454b569d5789f01632e13a75a5aad8480140e895dd671cae3639f935750bea7ae4b5a25122"
    MaximumSwap = 1000.0 # required
    MinimumSwap = 0.00001 # required
    SwapFeeRate = 0.001 # required
    MaximumSwapFee = 0.01
    MinimumSwapFee = 0.00001
    PlusGasPricePercentage = 15
    BigValueThreshold = 5.0
    DisableSwap = false

    For ERC20 token, we should config ID = "ERC20" and ContractAddress to the token's contract address.

  11. config [DestToken]

    Config [DestToken] like [SrcToken].

    Don't forget to config ContractAddress in [DestToken] section (see step 4)

  12. config PairID to identify token pair

repeat step 10, 11, 12 to prepare multiple token pairs config,
put them in a directory (will be referenced by --pairsdir command line option)