Disclaimer: This is alpha software.
Bluetooth API for React Native.
- Handle bluetooth availability
- Scan nearby low-energy devices
- Discover services and characteristics
- Connect to devices
- Read, write and receive characteristic notifications
- Support both iOS/Android
npm install --save react-native-bluetooth-manager
react-native link react-native-bluetooth-manager
See the Example app.
import Bluetooth from 'react-native-bluetooth-manager';
const unsubscribe = Bluetooth.didChangeState(bluetoothState => {
// bluetoothState == 'enabled' | 'disabled'
const discoverOptions = {
uuids: [] // list of BLE service uuids to filter devices during scan
const onDeviceFound = device => {
const {id, name} = device;
Bluetooth.startScanWithDiscovery(discoverOptions, onDeviceFound)
.then(scan => scan.stopAfter(9000)) // automatically stop scan after 9000ms
.then(stoppedOnTime => {
// true if scan ran for full duration, false if stopped before
Bluetooth.stopScan(); // manually stop scan
.then(() => {
// device is connected
// proceed with services & characteristics discovery (see below)
}).catch(error => {
// error when connecting to device
.then(() => { // disconnection ok })
.catch(() => { // disconnection error });
Once device is connected, it is recommended to discover service and characteristics before calling any operation.
Bluetooth.discoverServices(device, serviceIds)
.then(services => {
// discover service characteristics
services.forEach(service => {
// optionally, perform characteristic discovery one after the other for better stability
Bluetooth.discoverCharacteristics(service, characteristicIds)
.then(characteristics => {
// memoize characteristics for later use
Disconnection events can happen any time due to loss of communication:
const unsubscribe = Bluetooth.deviceDidDisconnect(event => {
if (event.error) {
// disconnection due to error
} else {
Use characteristics retrieved during the discovery stage.
Read a characteristic value:
.then(payload => {
const {
value, // value after base-64 decoding
base64Value, // original base-64 encoded value
} = payload;
Write a value to a characteristic (with or without response):
const payload = new Buffer(...);
// see https://www.npmjs.com/package/buffer
// lib will encode buffer in Base 64 before transmission
Bluetooth.writeCharacteristicValue(characteristic, payload, withResponse)
.then(() => {
// if withResponse == true, wait for Bluetooth write response (acknowledgement)
// if withResponse == false, returns immediately
Subscribe to notifications from characteristic:
const onNotification = payload => {
const { value } = payload; // value after base-64 decoding
const unsubscribe = Bluetooth.characteristicDidNotify(characteristic, onNotification);
unsubscribe(); // stop notifications handling
Copyright 2016 Sogilis SARL
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.