
Make-подобная утилита для выполнения платформозависимых сценариев на Python 2.7. Сценарии состоят из целей

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense



Make-like utility to execute platform-dependent scripts (scenarios) written in Python 3. A format of scenario-name consist information about platform it written. Scenarios consist of targets.

  • Automatic script (scenario) selection for the current platform File names of scenarios may consists up to three parts joined by '_' (underscore). Parts:

    • OS name - mandatory part. It can be Linux or Windows
    • Distrib name - not a mandatory part. It specify distribution name. Example: Ubuntu
    • Distrib version - not a mandatory part. It specify distribution version. Example: 16.04 Examples of scenarios names:
    • Linux_Ubuntu_16.04.scenario
    • Linux_Ubuntu.scenario
    • Linux.scenario Name of scenario gives ability to choose most suitabe scenario for current platform through comparison scenario name and platform properties.
  • Target-body shifting Body of target may shifted to right by tabs of spacies.

  • Target inheritance If calling target not decribed in most suitable scenario for current platform, target will be searched in more general scenario. Example: if Linux_Ubuntu_16.04.scenario not consist target 'build' scenarist will try search 'build' in scenario Linux_Ubuntu.scenario.

To install or upgrade

Pip package page: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/build_scenarist

# pip install -U build_scenarist



run("apt-get update")
run("apt-get -y install git cmake build-essential freeglut3-dev freeglut3 libxmu-dev libxi-dev")

run("git submodule update --init --recursive")

if not exists("./build"):
with cd("./build"):
    run("cmake ..")
    run("make -j 2")

with cd("./build/tests/"):

How to use

scenarist.py run install_deps init build run_unit-tests

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