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Features of this site:

  • this site contain two partial way:
    • before login, you can see:
      • home

        • shows 8 required segment
          • header/navbar
          • banner
          • tools: 6 items
          • Business Summery
          • Customer Review
          • footer
        • shows 2 required extra segment
          • Contact
          • Download App
      • blog

        • Portfolio *About Me *Education *My Project *About Technology *Review
        • All review
      • blog

        • answer for 5 question
          • How does prototypical inheritance work?
          • What are the different ways to manage a state in a React application?
          • How will you improve the performance of a React Application?
          • Why you do not set the state directly in React. For example, if you have const [products, setProducts] = useState([]). Why you do not set products = [...] instead, you use the setProducts
          • You have an array of products. Each product has a name, price, description, etc. How will you implement a search to find products by name?
      • login

        • login form
        • registration form
    • after login:
      • home *navbar *dashboard *logout *user name
      • Dashboard *My Profile (Admin / User )
        • Admin
          • Manage Products
          • Manage All Orders
          • Add A Product
        • user
          • My Orders
          • Add A Review