
Time:: 90 Minutes
Languages: HTML/CSS/JS

Whackamole is a "reverse" workshop. This means that club members will be building this workshop on their own. This allows them to explore how to think programatically.

Running This Workshop

Your goals as a club leader are to help members understand the code and think of implementations on their own. Here's a few things to keep in mind:

  • Provide all resources to start and show how each one works
  • Go through one demo line by line to provide an example of how members should read code
  • Walk around and regularly check in with members to see if people need help
  • Build your own version before the meeting (preferrably with the demos)

Now, let's get into how to run the workshop. The workshop does require more time than most; expect it to take around 90 minutes to provide ample time for hacking and further development. Here's a time breakdown on how you should run the meeting:

  • Introduction - 15 min
    Let all members settle down. Introduce the workshop and the live demo, and provide all links
  • Getting Started - 10 min
    Go through one example line by line. Ensure that everyone understands the code.
  • Working - 50 min
    Let members build the project. Walk around and answer questions. Refer to the demos often, and sit down with members to show them how the code works. Ask them how demo code might fit into their own projects, but don't tell them the answers.
  • Conclusions - 15 min
    Add in any conclusions, suggest future improvements, and close the meeting however you like.

Here's a few quick tips to make your meeting more engaging in general:

  • Walk around the room
  • Ask questions to club members
  • Check in with people who are doing well
  • Play music while working


  • Starter Code - Provide this to club members as a starting point for their own work
  • Code Demos - These are the demos you'll want club members to use as reference
  • Example Project - Showcase this as an example of what we're trying to build
  • Slideshow - Feel free to use this or customize for your own club
  • Resources Page - Give this to club members, since it has everything they'll need

All of these resources, plus step by step instructions for club members, are on the Resources page.

Good luck on running this workshop! If you have any questions, email me at sohamb117@gmail.com.