⚡️ nat ⚡️
Massive nat update!
Understanding permissions output
What is nat?
Nat is a complete replacement for the 'ls' command
Nats features include
- Showing file permissions
- Showing file size
- Showing the date that the file was modified last
- Showing the user that the file belongs to
- Showing the group that the file belongs to
- An easy to use file search
- A splash of color to distinguish between files and folders
Join the nat discord server
Beta test the natls proof of concept re-write
cargo install nat-poc
- A rather large german tech blog wrote an article about nat
cargo install natls
brew install willdoescode/natls/natls
Alternative (linux)
sudo snap install natls
To update natls with snap
sudo snap refresh natls
Another alternative (arch linux)
paru -S nat
(or yay)
Manual installation
apt-get install rustc cargo
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/willdoescode/nat.git
cd /tmp/nat
cargo build --release
cd target/release
To install nat locally
cd /tmp/nat
cargo install --path .
and add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin
Updating nat
cargo install natls
if there is a new version available cargo will install it
Using nat with ls
in zshrc or bashrc
alias ls='natls'
natls <dir>
Searching for file
natls <file>
To edit the code
git clone https://github.com/willdoescode/nat.git
cd nat
Uninstall steps
cargo uninstall natls
Understanding permissions output
Imagine file permissions as three ones or zeros
000 no access
100 read
010 write
001 execute
101 read and execute
110 read and write
011 write and execute
111 read write and execute
what nat does is it combines these permissions for
so if the user has read write and execute and the group has read and write and other has no perms the output will look like
If all groups have read write and execute the output would look like