Buffer Overflow

This tool is created in order to allow penetration testers / researchers to quickly test out simple buffer overflows, without having to write a line of code.

The user will only need to enter bad characters to filter out, as well as the EIP address to overwrite to, and the tool will generate buffer string to return a reverse shell.

buffer-overflow.py: the tool that allows rapid exploitation of the target buffer overflow service.

exploit-template.py: the poc exploit template.


I created the tool and used it in the OSCP exam and passed. This only helps you quickly exploit the target, and tells you the information necessary (such as offset, badchars, etc) to create a working PoC. It does not write the PoC for you.

Use it at your own discretion


  • fuzz the application
  • send cyclic pattern
  • query exact offset
  • iteratively send badchars array
  • generating shell code based on the interface ip and provided --rport value
  • send the exploit string and get a reverse shell


Buffer overflow exploit testing tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help              show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX         prefix of the string to send
  --suffix SUFFIX         suffix of the string to send
  --ip IP                 target ip address
  --port PORT             target port to exploit
  --rport RPORT           reverse shell port (default: 443)
  --interface INTERFACE   the interface to use (default: "tun0")


  • @cY83rR0H1t: testing and screenshots