This code is aimed at identifying and counting all the tokens in a given source code in C.
This source code is developed by using some implementations of C that are specific to gcc(GNU-C) compiler.Please use corresponding compiler specific API's if need to be compiled using any other compilers. /****************************************************************************************
- File name : lexical_analysis.c
- Author : Ravi Kiran Chadalawada
- Functionality : To parse the whole code and trak whole tokens in program.
- Compiling : gcc lexical_analysis.c -o lexical_analysis
- Executing : ./lexical_analysis sample.c (provide run time argument as sample source code.
- Input : Any C language source code file with a sample program.
For ex : sample.c with following code.
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- int a,b,res;
- printf("enter the operands");
- scanf("%d",&a);
- scanf("%d",&b);
- res=a+b;
- res=a-b;
- res=a*b;
- res=a/b;
- printf("The result is :%d\n",res);
- } *****************************************************************************************/