
TypeScriptMongoAuth is a secure user authentication system built with TypeScript and MongoDB. It offers robust features including user registration, email verification, password management, login, and secure password reset, ensuring the integrity and security of user data for your web applications.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


TypeScriptMongoAuth is a secure and versatile user authentication system built with TypeScript and MongoDB. It offers a range of features for managing user registration, login, email verification, password management, and secure password reset processes.

Key Features

  • User Registration: Allow users to sign up securely, providing essential information like username, email, and password.

  • Email Verification: Enhance security by verifying user emails through a confirmation link sent upon registration.

  • Password Management: Store user passwords securely using hashing and salting techniques.

  • User Login: Users can securely log in using their credentials, with password verification.

  • Token-Based Authentication: Utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure and efficient authentication after login.

  • Password Reset: Implement a secure process for users to reset their forgotten passwords via email.

  • User Profile Management: Users can update their profiles and account settings.

  • Logging and Error Handling: Includes comprehensive logging and error handling for monitoring system activities.

  • Scalability and Performance: Built to handle large user databases and high traffic loads, thanks to MongoDB's scalability.

Getting Started

To get started with this template, clone the repo and follow the given instructions.


install dependencies

npm install

run code

npm start