
Convert Postman export (Collection v2.1) JSON data to markdown

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Postman to markdown

Convert Postman export (Collection v2.1) JSON data to markdown

Initiate class

     let postmanMD = new PostmanMD({
      withRespond: true

Link file to class



Return with respond block

     let postmanMD = new PostmanMD({
      withRespond: true

Login From Web

Loging for web site

URL : http://thismypc.com:5000/login

Method : POST

Request Header

"Content-Type" : "application/json"

Request Body

{ "email":"user@gamil.com", "password":"^%$fghkjh6" } 

200 OK

Code : 200

Content example

{ "status": true, "message": "Hello!", "data": { "name": "Supun", "auth": "bfc6f0295bbab0c80b3d3cfb55dfe5", "id": "5c3d6a25221d01eba0afc9", "ioSocketID": "room1" } } 

401 Unauthorized

Code : 401

Content example

{ "status": false, "message": "Invalid User", "data": null } 

Return without respond block

     let postmanMD = new PostmanMD({
      withRespond: false

Login From Web

Loging for web site

URL : http://thismypc.com:5000/login

Method : POST

Request Header

"Content-Type" : "application/json"

Request Body

{ "email":"user@gamil.com", "password":"^%$fghkjh6" }