
This repo presents a content-based recommendation framework for recommending Wikipedia pages to users

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Wikipedia Article Recommendation

This repo contains a content-based recommendation framework for recommending users wikipedia pages. A recommendation system that given an input Wikipedia article, recommends a series of articles to read.

Problem Description

Here we present a recommendation system that is based on the very basic principles of the Content-Based Recommendation approach [1] for recommending users Wikipedia articles. In summary, a content-based recommender system utilizes the features of the product(s) in order to recommend other product(s) similar to what a user has liked, or purchased, or used.

Dataset Gathering and Cleaning

Downloading all Wikipedia articles leads to 78 GB of data when unzipped. Accordingly, as the dataset, here we only gather a few thousands of articles from Wikipedia.

In order to gather such articles, we use Wikipedia's Python API that can be accessed through this link. This API could be installed by using, pip, as the standard package-management system for Python, using the command pip install wikipedia.

In this work, we only gather a random set of num_random_articles=25000 wikipedia articles. Although, the more articles we gather the better the recommendation system could work in terms of recommending appropriate articles to the users.

As a very simple cleaning step, we get rid of non-contextual components in the text, e.g. \n and etc. For each article, we gather the whole summary of the article provided by the Wikipedia API. Such a summary includes the uppermost chunk of text that one would usually see on a Wikipedia page.


In order to generate an encoded feature-like representation of each article, we create vector representations using the TF-IDF approach. Naming each article as a document and the whole set of articles as the corpus, the TF-IDF approach provides a metric that captures the Term Frequency (TF) in the documents as well as the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) in the corpus. The Term Frequency (TF) is the frequency of different words that appear in a document and the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) is the inverse of document frequency among the whole corpus of all documents. In other words, TF measures how often a word appears within a specific document while IDF measures how rare a word appears within the corpus. TF-IDF in particular suppresses the dominance (overinflucence) of high-frequency words when it comes to determining their importance. Moreover, in simple words, a word is considered important in a document if, it occurs a lot in that document, but rarely in other documents within the corpus. For further reading about TF-IDF please refer to Refs. [2,3].

Accordingly, we create a set of feature vectors corresponding to each wikipedia article using the TF-IDF approach. TF-IDF vectorization package could be accessed from the scikit-learn Python package through this link. We convert all the characters to lowercase before tokenizing in TF-IDF, consider features at the word level but not character n-grams, and consider the top num_tfidf_features=100 words ordered by term frequency across the corpus as the TF-IDF features.

Similarity Measure

In order to identify the recommended articles within the gathered corpus of Wikipedia articles that are similar to an input article, we use the Cosine Similarity as the similarity measure between the TF-IDF vectors that characterize the features attributed to each Wikipedia article. Comparing the Cosine Similarity between the TF-IDF vector of an input article by the user and the TF-IDF vectors of all the articles in the corpus, we then recommend the top num_recommended_articles=10 similar articles to the user.