
It is based on one Arduino 2.4 TFT ILI9341 LCD Converted for STM32F013RE in KEIL Software for working with Touch screen library with X Y and Z (pressure) readings as well. SO you could see some information about this filed in this link: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/424146/touch-pins-of-tft-2-4-ili9341-touch-funtion-in-keil-for-arm-mcu?noredirect=1#comment1053882_424146

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Arduino 2.4 TFT ILI9341 LCD Converted for STM32F103RE

It is based on one Arduino 2.4 TFT ILI9341 LCD Converted for STM32F103RE in KEIL Software for working with Touch screen library with X Y and Z (pressure) readings as well. SO you could see some information about this filed in this link:

electronics.stackexchange Page

The LCD Runing Photo:

*Alt text


To get your custom, you have to do the following:

  1. Go to Touchscreen.c in main Folder AND change LCD Ports in #define parts if is deffent by this setting:

    #define Set_Cs  	   GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_3);
    #define Clr_Cs  	   GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_3);
    #define Set_T_XM  	   GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_2);
    #define Clr_T_XM   	   GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_2);
    #define Set_nT_YP 	   GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_1);
    #define Clr_nT_YP 	   GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_1);
    #define Set_T_XP 	   GPIO_SetBits(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_6);
    #define Clr_T_XP 	   GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_6);
    #define Set_T_YM    	 GPIO_SetBits(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_7); 		
    #define Clr_T_YM 	   GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA,GPIO_Pin_7);

as you can see we use this setting:

YP  ->  LCD_WR   ==   C1 Pin in STM32F103RE  
XM  ->  LCD_RS   ==   C2 Pin in STM32F103RE
YM  ->  LCD_D6   ==   A7  Pin in STM32F103RE 
XP  ->  LCD_D5   ==   A6  Pin in STM32F103RE 
  1. You must GPIO PORT Settings in this Functions (if you use different ports similar Above):

    • GPIO_INPUT_XM_YP_end
    • GUI_X_Init_touch
    • TouchScreen_readTouchX
    • TouchScreen_readTouchY
  2. you must change LCD Ports in .\Library\GUI\GUI_X.c if you dont use this port settings:

    YP  ->  LCD_WR   ->   C1 Pin in STM32F103RE  
    XM  ->  LCD_RS   ->  C2 Pin in STM32F103RE
    		LCD_CS   ->   C3 Pin in STM32F103RE 
    		LCD_RD   ->   C0 Pin in STM32F103RE 
    		LCD_Rest   ->   C4 Pin in STM32F103RE 
    		LCD_D7   ->   A7  Pin in STM32F103RE
    YM  ->  LCD_D6   ->   A6  Pin in STM32F103RE 
    XP  ->  LCD_D5   ->   A5  Pin in STM32F103RE
    		LCD_D4   ->   A4  Pin in STM32F103RE
    		LCD_D3   ->   A3  Pin in STM32F103RE
    		LCD_D2   ->   A2  Pin in STM32F103RE
    		LCD_D1   ->   A1  Pin in STM32F103RE
    		LCD_D0   ->   A0  Pin in STM32F103RE
  3. you must change LCD Port define if you use different conections in "./ARM-radio-master/include/LCD_X_8080_8.h" file, we use this tyoe of connecttions:

    #define LCD_CS_GPIO_PORT      GPIOC
    #define LCD_RS_GPIO_PORT      GPIOC
    #define LCD_WR_GPIO_PORT      GPIOC
    #define LCD_RD_GPIO_PORT      GPIOC
    #define LCD_DATA_IN       GPIOA->IDR
    #define LCD_DATA_OUT      GPIOA->ODR
    #define LCD_SET_DIR_IN()  GPIOA->IDR = 0x0
    #define LCD_SET_DIR_OUT() GPIOA->ODR = 0x0
    #define LCD_DELAY(ms)     GUI_X_Delay(ms)
    #define LCD_CS_PIN      GPIO_Pin_3
    #define LCD_RS_PIN      GPIO_Pin_2
    #define LCD_WR_PIN      GPIO_Pin_1
    #define LCD_RD_PIN      GPIO_Pin_0
    #define LCD_RST_PIN     GPIO_Pin_4
  4. you can change the while loop as you like:

    while (1) {
    	sprintf(buffer, "%d\r\n", (int) TouchScreen_readPressure());GUI_Delay(300);
    		// GUI_Init(); GUI_Delay(300);
    	GUI_DispStringHCenterAt(buffer, 29, 30);	GUI_Delay(300);
    		GUI_DispStringAt("GUI_DispFloat:\n", 11, 11);
    		GUI_DispString("TouchX:    ");
    		f=(float) TouchScreen_readTouchX();GUI_Delay(300);
    		GUI_DispString("TouchY:    ");
    		f=(float) TouchScreen_readTouchY();GUI_Delay(300);

  • @email gsh.med.co@gmail.com or elasa.group@gmail.com
  • @author Soheil sabzevari
  • @version V1.0.0
  • @date 2-March-2019
  • @brief It is based on one Arduino 2.4 TFT ILI9341 LCD Converted for STM32F103RE in KEIL Software.