Collects events from SQL Server and saves them to Elasticsearch for further analysis.
You can use sqltop or Kibana to analyze these data.
npm install -g sqlmon
$ sqlmon \
--ss-address \
--ss-user sa \
--ss-password p@ssw0rd \
--es-address \
--trace-directory 'c:\trace' \
--events RPCCompleted SQLBatchCompleted \
--fields TextData TextDataHash QueryHash LoginName Duration Reads Writes CPU \
--duration 60s
Connecting to
Creating trace...
Trace file path: c:\trace\20190729103344280.trc
Starting trace...
Collecting events for 60s until 14:13:20... (Press [c] to stop)
Stopping trace...
Reading trace...
Saving 18120 events to
100.00% 18120/18120
sqlmon needs to write trace files to a temporary directory on the server first. Use the ---trace-directory
option to specify the location of this directory:
--trace-directory 'c:\trace'
Note 1: The SQL Server service account (usually NT Service\MSSQLSERVER) must have Write permission on this directory.
Note 2: These files are not removed when the program ends and must be manually deleted.
Use the --duration
or -d
parameter to specify the duration that the trace must run:
--duration 1m
You can use any specifier like 30s
, 10m
, 2h
, or 1d
. The default is 60s
By default, sqlmon limits the size of trace files to 1 GB. You can change this by using the --max-size
option (in megabytes):
--max-size 2048 # 2 GB
Use the --events
parameter to specify the events to be captured:
--events RPCCompleted SQLBatchCompleted
See all supported events.
Use the --fields
parameter to specify the fields to be included:
--fields TextData Reads Writes CPU Duration RowCounts
See all supported fields.
The default Elasticsearch index name is sql-YY.MM.DD
which can be changed using the --index-prefix
--index-prefix trace-
If you only want to collect events without saving them to Elasticsearch, you can use the --collect-only
If you have a saved trace file (created by either sqlmon or SQL Server Profiler), you can import it into Elasticsearch using the --import
--import 'c:\trace\20190728042508732.trc'
You can use the --delay
option to delay starting the operations until a later time:
--delay 1h
There are a few hooks defined that let you run any program at certain stages of the execution:
--schedule-hook ./
--collection-start-hook ./
--collection-end-hook ./
--save-start-hook ./
--save-end-hook ./
--error-hook ./
--interrupt-hook ./
The following environment variables are available to use in your hooks:
TextDataHash is the hash of the TextData field.
QueryHash is created by first removing all parameters and variables from TextData and then hashing it. It is useful for grouping queries to find the top resource consuming ones.
See SQL Server Event Class Reference for detailed information about these fields and events.
- AssemblyLoad
- Attention
- AuditAddDBUserEvent
- AuditAddLoginEvent
- AuditAddLogintoServerRoleEvent
- AuditAddMembertoDBRoleEvent
- AuditAddRoleEvent
- AuditAppRoleChangePasswordEvent
- AuditBackupRestoreEvent
- AuditBrokerConversation
- AuditBrokerLogin
- AuditChangeAuditEvent
- AuditChangeDatabaseOwner
- AuditDatabaseManagementEvent
- AuditDatabaseObjectAccessEvent
- AuditDatabaseObjectGDREvent
- AuditDatabaseObjectManagementEvent
- AuditDatabaseObjectTakeOwnershipEvent
- AuditDatabaseOperationEvent
- AuditDatabasePrincipalImpersonationEvent
- AuditDatabasePrincipalManagementEvent
- AuditDatabaseScopeGDR
- AuditDBCCEvent
- AuditFulltext
- AuditLogin
- AuditLoginChangePasswordEvent
- AuditLoginChangePropertyEvent
- AuditLoginFailed
- AuditLoginGDREvent
- AuditLogout
- AuditObjectDerivedPermissionEvent
- AuditObjectGDREvent
- AuditSchemaObjectAccessEvent
- AuditSchemaObjectManagementEvent
- AuditSchemaObjectTakeOwnershipEvent
- AuditServerAlterTraceEvent
- AuditServerObjectGDREvent
- AuditServerObjectManagementEvent
- AuditServerObjectTakeOwnershipEvent
- AuditServerOperationEvent
- AuditServerPrincipalImpersonationEvent
- AuditServerPrincipalManagementEvent
- AuditServerScopeGDREvent
- AuditServerStartsandStops
- AuditStatementPermissionEvent
- AutoStats
- BackgroundJobError
- BitmapWarning
- BlockedProcessReport
- BrokerActivation
- BrokerConnection
- BrokerConversation
- BrokerConversationGroup
- BrokerCorruptedMessage
- BrokerForwardedMessageDropped
- BrokerForwardedMessageSent
- BrokerMessageClassify
- BrokerMessageUndeliverable
- BrokerQueueDisabled
- BrokerRemoteMessageAcknowledgement
- BrokerTransmission
- CPUthresholdexceeded
- CursorClose
- CursorExecute
- CursorImplicitConversion
- CursorOpen
- CursorPrepare
- CursorRecompile
- CursorUnprepare
- DatabaseMirroringStateChange
- DatabaseSuspectDataPage
- DataFileAutoGrow
- DataFileAutoShrink
- DeadlockGraph
- DegreeofParallelism
- Deprecated
- DeprecationAnnouncement
- DeprecationFinalSupport
- DTCTransaction
- ErrorLog
- EventLog
- Exception
- ExchangeSpillEvent
- ExecPreparedSQL
- ExecutionWarnings
- ExistingConnection
- FTCrawlAborted
- FTCrawlStarted
- FTCrawlStopped
- HashWarning
- LockAcquired
- LockCancel
- LockDeadlock
- LockDeadlockChain
- LockEscalation
- LockReleased
- LockTimeout
- LockTimeoutNonZero
- LogFileAutoGrow
- LogFileAutoShrink
- MissingColumnStatistics
- MissingJoinPredicate
- MountTape
- ObjectAltered
- ObjectCreated
- ObjectDeleted
- OLEDBCallEvent
- OLEDBDataReadEvent
- OLEDBErrors
- OLEDBProviderInformation
- OLEDBQueryInterfaceEvent
- Performancestatistics
- PlanGuideSuccessful
- PlanGuideUnsuccessful
- PreConnectCompleted
- PreConnectStarting
- PrepareSQL
- ProgressReportOnlineIndexOperation
- QNdynamics
- QNparametertable
- QNsubscription
- QNtemplate
- RPCCompleted
- RPCOutputParameter
- RPCStarting
- ScanStarted
- ScanStopped
- ServerMemoryChange
- ShowplanAll
- ShowplanAllForQueryCompile
- ShowplanStatisticsProfile
- ShowplanText
- ShowplanTextUnencoded
- ShowplanXML
- ShowplanXMLForQueryCompile
- ShowplanXMLStatisticsProfile
- SortWarnings
- SPCacheHit
- SPCacheInsert
- SPCacheMiss
- SPCacheRemove
- SPCompleted
- SPRecompile
- SPStarting
- SPStmtCompleted
- SPStmtStarting
- SQLBatchCompleted
- SQLBatchStarting
- SQLFullTextQuery
- SQLStmtCompleted
- SQLStmtRecompile
- SQLStmtStarting
- SQLTransaction
- TMBeginTrancompleted
- TMBeginTranstarting
- TMCommitTrancompleted
- TMCommitTranstarting
- TMPromoteTrancompleted
- TMPromoteTranstarting
- TMRollbackTrancompleted
- TMRollbackTranstarting
- TMSaveTrancompleted
- TMSaveTranstarting
- TraceFileClose
- TransactionLog
- UnprepareSQL
- User0
- User1
- User2
- User3
- User4
- User5
- User6
- User7
- User8
- User9
- UserErrorMessage
- XQueryStaticType
- ApplicationName
- BigintData1
- BigintData2
- BinaryData
- ClientProcessID
- ColumnPermissions
- DatabaseID
- DatabaseName
- DBUserName
- Duration
- EndTime
- Error
- EventClass
- EventSequence
- EventSubClass
- FileName
- Handle
- HostName
- IndexID
- IntegerData
- IntegerData2
- IsSystem
- LineNumber
- LinkedServerName
- LoginName
- LoginSid
- MethodName
- Mode
- NestLevel
- NTDomainName
- NTUserName
- ObjectID
- ObjectID2
- ObjectName
- ObjectType
- Offset
- OwnerID
- OwnerName
- ParentName
- Permissions
- ProviderName
- QueryHash
- Reads
- RequestID
- RoleName
- RowCounts
- ServerName
- SessionLoginName
- Severity
- SourceDatabaseID
- SqlHandle
- StartTime
- State
- Success
- TargetLoginName
- TargetLoginSid
- TargetUserName
- TextData
- TextDataHash
- TransactionID
- Type
- Writes
- XactSequence
- 1.4
- Added TextDataHash field.
- 1.3
- Added support for hooks.
- 1.2
- Added --delay option.
- 1.1
- Added --collect-only option.
- 1.0
- Initial release.
Soheil Rashidi
Copyright 2019 Soheil Rashidi.
Licensed under the The MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.