
PHP Library for Adobe Connect API

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Client for Adobe Connect API v9.5.4

PHP library to comunicate with the Adobe Connect Web Service.

There are many actions implemented. Some of them are a sequence of actions, like the RecordingPasscode.


  • Version 3.1.0
    • Add Sco-shortcuts command
    • set/get unknown properties/attribues with php magic functions ( __get() , __set() , __call() )
    • remove entities fixed attributes(magic function will do the same thing!)


The package is available on Packagist. You can install it using Composer

$ composer require soheilrt/adobe-connect-client

Whats new?

  • now you can dynamically set/get attributes however you want:
use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\SCO;

$sco = SCO::instance()->setName('Name')->setType(SCO::TYPE_MEETING)
    ->setAttribute1('custom attribute 1')->setDateBegin(new DateInterval('PT1H'));

$sco->attribute1="custom attribute 1";
$sco->dateBegin=New DateInterval("PT1H");

Since attribtues store on a protected property named attributes and setting/getting attributes are done via php magic functions, you can set or get attribute with any way you're more comfortable.
Note: Sience Attributes converted in camelCaseForm and then save, you want to more careful about attirbutes Names specially between TWO words in attribute name.

//these actions are doing the same action
//save given data with name classAttirbute in attributes property in class
$sco->setclassAttribute("value 1");
$sco->setClassAttribute("value 2");
$sco->ClassAttribute="value 3";
$sco->class_attribute="value 4";

//save data in class's `attributes` property with the name `classattribute`
$sco->classattribute="data 5";
$sco->Classatribute="data 6";

since setting attributes via magic function will return class intance, you can add attributes to the class with chains.

//these actions are doing the same action
//save given data with name classAttirbute in attributes property in class
$sco=SCO::instance()->setclassAttribute1("value 1")
->setClassAttribute2("value 2")->ClassAttribute3("value 3")
->setclass_attribute4("value 4");

//save data in class's `attributes` property with the name `classattribute`
$sco->classattribute="data 5";
$sco->Classaatribute="data 6";


use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;

$connection = new Connection('https://hostname.adobeconnect.com');
$client =  new Client($connection);
$commonInfo = $client->commonInfo();

You can use filters and sorters in some actions.

use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;
use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\SCO;
use AdobeConnectClient\Filter;
use AdobeConnectClient\Sorter;

$connection = new Connection('https://hostname.adobeconnect.com');
$client =  new Client($connection);

$client->login('username', 'password');

$folderId = 123;

$filter = Filter::instance()
  ->dateAfter('dateBegin', new DateTimeImmutable())
  ->like('name', 'ClassRoom');

$sorter = Sorter::instance()

$scos = $client->scoContents($folderId, $filter, $sorter);

The entities, filters and sorter use Fluent Interface.

The AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection class accept an array of options to configure the CURL.

use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;

// For tests with no SSL
$connection = new Connection(
$client =  new Client($connection);
$commonInfo = $client->commonInfo();


All Client actions are throwable.

use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;
use AdobeConnectClient\Exceptions\NoAccessException;

$connection = new Connection('https://hostname.adobeconnect.com');
$client = new Client($connection);

// Throws NoAccessException if not logged in