
A really simple sbt 1.0 plugin to extract class and parameter documents (scaladoc) to an output file

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

A really simple sbt 1.0 plugin to extract document to an output file. At the moment it works for scala source files and will generate a file in java properties format.

The output file can be used as input of other build tool, which I plan to use it along with play-swagger to supply the description of swagger definitions.

Output example:

example.CaseClass = This is a CaseClass for testing\
This is the second line.
example.CaseClass.name = Name of CaseClass
example.CaseClass.age = Age of CaseClass
example.FooClass = Foo class
example.FooClass.someMethod() = some method
example.FooClass.someMethod(String) = some method with argument
example.FooClass.someMethod(String)#name = The first argument of someMethod is name.

Please note this plugin only support sbt 1.0.


The plugin is designed to be used with play-swagger to provision the descriptions of your api parameters and definitions. It has become part of descriptive-play-swagger. Check that plugin for details. Or check the seed project for reference.

descriptive-play-swagger is an extension of iheartradio play-swagger

The only difference is descriptive-play-swagger will generate description for your api parameters and definition classes. All credits go to iheartradio.


  • In the project/plugins.sbt file
addSbtPlugin("com.sohoffice" %% "sbt-descriptive-play-swagger" % "0.7.4")
  • In the build.sbt file
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("sohoffice", "sbt-plugins")

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
  .enablePlugins(PlayScala, SwaggerPlugin)
    // Make sure you set the swaggerDomainNameSpaces according to your package structure.
    // You'll need this setting, otherwise swagger will fail.
    // swaggerDomainNameSpaces := Seq("io")

Swagger task will be executed in the run stage, or execute swagger to manually re-generate swagger.json

Standalone installation

Use the plugin with the following setup:

In the project/plugins.sbt file

addSbtPlugin("com.sohoffice" % "sbt-doc-extract" % "0.0.3")

In the build.sbt file

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("sohoffice", "sbt-plugins")

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    docExtractTarget := "STDOUT"

You may specify an output filename to docExtractTarget, or use STDOUT or STDERR to output to console. The default of docExtractTarget is docExtract.properties, which means the plugin will output to the file target/docExtract.properties.


In sbt console, execute 'docExtract' to run.

sohoffice, happy coding ~