Dataset mentioned in the paper, "IndicFinNLP: Financial Natural Language Processing for Indian Languages".
Task-1 Metadata
column name | explanation | example |
indic | financial text in indic language | যা টাকায় ১০ কোটি টাকারও বেশি। |
number_english | number present in indic text after translating it to English | 10 |
number_indic | number present in indic text | ১০ |
start_posn | starting position of the number in indic text | 9 |
end_posn | ending position of the number in indic text | 11 |
language | indic language in which the text is present (hindi/bengali/telugu) | bengali |
magnitude | magnitude of the number | 1 |
Task-2 Metadata
column name | explanation | example |
sentence_indic | financial text in indic language | 2019 में, हवाई यात्रा हमारे अपने कार्बन फुटप्रिंट का लगभग 38 प्रतिशत थी। |
label | sustainable or unsustainable | unsustainable |
language | indic language | hindi |
Task-3 Metadata
column name | explanation | example |
URL | url of the news title | |
news_title_indic | news title in indic language | రుణాలను సమలేఖనం చేయడానికి, నికర సున్నాతో పెట్టుబడి దస్త్రాలను సమలేఖనం చేయడానికి ABN AMRO |
ESG_Theme | ESG theme of the news title | climate change |
language | indic language | telugu |
author={Ghosh, Sohom and Majhi, Arnab and Narayana, Aswartha and Naskar, Sudip Kumar},
booktitle={LREC-COLING 2024},
title={IndicFinNLP: Financial Natural Language Processing for Indian