
Automatically detect changes of tss server and save shsh blobs

Primary LanguagePython


Automatically detect the change of tss server and save blobs.

You can run it on Linux and Mac.

Download Tsschecker for mac here


How to use

0. Install Dependencies

If tsschecker for Linux does not work properly, please compile it yourself.

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip3 install requests
sudo pip3 install dataset
sudo pip install mdfmonitor

↓If your machine is linux, you may also have to run this command.

mkdir .src
cd .src
git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libirecovery && cd ./libirecovery && bash autogen.sh && sudo make install
git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libcrippy && cd ./libcrippy && bash autogen.sh && sudo make install
git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libfragmentzip && cd ./libfragmentzip && sudo bash autogen.sh && sudo make install
git clone https://github.com/tihmstar/libpartialzip && cd ./libpartialzip && sudo bash autogen.sh && sudo make install
git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist.git && cd ./libpartialzip && sudo bash autogen.sh && sudo make install

1. Edit devices.ini

First, you have to write device's information to devices.ini.

This is example:

[Soh's iPhone X]
identifier = iPhone10,6
ecid = D389138280023
boardconfig = d22ap

[Soh's iPad Pro]
identifier = iPad7,6
ecid = E115E088B6000
boardconfig = j207ap

2. Edit autorun.py

At the end of autorun.py, there is such a line.

os.system('cd /home/pi/AutoTSSSaver;python3 autotss.py -p /home/pi/AutoTSSSaver/tsschecker_linux')

You have to provide a path to folder like this.

os.system('cd <PATH TO AUTOTSSSAVER>;python3 autotss.py -p <PATH TO TSSCHECKER>')

As testrun, please execute the command inside '' on Terminal.

3. Run autorun.py

Open terminal, and run autorun.py by python (not python3).

4. (Optional) Run it by cron I highly recommend to run autorun.py by cron.

@reboot python <PATH TO AUTORUN.PY>



autotss by codsane (I just added some files to check tss saver automatically)


  • rewrite autorun.py for python3 (I know it is insane to use python and python3 at the same time lol)