Omni Trade Application

This project is part of the final assignment submission for the Graduate Certificate in Architecting Scalable Systems

The Tech Stack™


  • Spring Boot for Orders and Accounts Service
  • Helidon SE for Forums Service
  • MySQL for Database
  • ElasticMQ as a replacement of AWS SQS for local development/vendor-neutral configuration


Cloud Platforms and Infrastructure

  • Firebase Hosting
  • GitHub Actions
  • Google App Engine
  • Google Cloud SQL

Development Setup

Common (Backend + Frontend)


If you are using VS Code, the Lombok Annotations extension is required.


DevOps and Deployment (optional)

Development Loop

Simply run docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d in the root project folder to start the containers.

To develop on the frontend, simply run npm run serve in the frontend folder. (Assuming you've already installed the dependencies with npm install.)