Generate random json according to condition json
npm install randomjson
Or direct reference to the output file: <script src = "dist.js"> </ script>
// In the amd, cmd environment, reference packages are not required in the browser
var randomjson = require('randomjson');
var modelJson = {
"code": "00",
"numberCode": "<@[10000,20000]>",
"msg2": "<@string{2,3}>",
"logo": "<@image{100,100}>",
"result": {
"indexToString": "<@index><@>",
"index": "<@index>",
"id": "<@[1-5]>",
"price": "<@float>",
"name": "name<@index>",
"person": "person<@index>",
"address": "California NO.<@index>",
"mobile": "1<@number{10}>",
"tel": "<@number{4}>-<@number{8}>",
"list": [
"auditKey": 1,
"auditValue": "<@[0,1,2]>"
"auditKey": 2,
"auditValue": "<@[0,1,2]>"
var myJson = randomjson(modelJson);
The value of myJson might be:
"code": "00",
"numberCode": 20000,
"msg2": "hrj",
"logo": "",
"result": {
"pList": [
"indexToString": "1",
"index": 1,
"id": 2,
"price": 37.49,
"name": "name1",
"person": "person1",
"address": "California NO.1",
"mobile": "18737211377",
"tel": "2526-64023718",
"list": [
"auditKey": 1,
"auditValue": 1
"auditKey": 2,
"auditValue": 2
npm install -g webpack
webpack --entry ./index.js --output-path dist --output-filename dist.js --output-library randomjson --output-library-target umd
example: can be viewed online
Starting with <@, ending with>, the middle content is randomjson's lexical
"<@number>": the data type is number
"<@string>": the data type is string
"<@null>": the data type is null
"<@boolean>": the data type is boolean
"<@chinese>": chinese string
"<@float {number1, number2}>": Floating point number1 represents the integer number of digits, number2 represents the number of decimal places, defaults to 2
"<@image {width, height}>": Generate the picture width to generate the image width, height to generate the picture height, the default is 400,400
"<@index>": The position of the element in the array, starting at 1
{minNumber, maxNumber}: At least minNumber, up to maxNumber
{minNumber,}: At least minNumber
{number}: A total of number
If it is float, minNumber, maxNumber represents the number of bits of integer and fractional parts
If it is imgae, minNumber, maxNumber represents the picture width height
You can use "|" to separate multiple options, the random value is one of the values for the string
[1, 2, 3] represents one of 1, 2, and 3, and the value is a number [1-90] represents an int value from 1 to 90, and the value is a number
[1.00-3.00] represents 2 decimal places between 1 and 3
Place the placeholder after the number type
The following are the same as the
"IndexToString": "<@index> <@>"
Non-array, the length of the value string, for example: "ret": "<@number {4}>"
When the value is an array, the length is in the key, for example:
"P11<@{2,5}>": [{
"P8": "12312",
"P9": ["<@string{4,7}>"],
"P10": "<@string>"
npm install randomjson
或者直接引用产出文件:<script src="dist.js"></script>
// 在amd,cmd环境中,引用包,在浏览器中无需引用
var randomjson = require('randomjson');
// 模型
var modelJson = {
"code": "00",
"numberCode": "<@[10000,20000]>",
"msg": "<@chinese{12,50}>",
"msg2": "<@string{2,3}>",
"logo": "<@image{100,100}>",
"result": {
"indexToString": "<@index><@>",
"index": "<@index>",
"id": "<@[1-5]>",
"price": "<@float>",
"name": "公司名称<@index>",
"person": "李文武<@index>",
"address": "北京市海淀区西三旗",
"mobile": "1<@number{10}>",
"tel": "<@number{4}>-<@number{8}>",
"list": [
"auditKey": 1,
"auditValue": "<@[0,1,2]>"
"auditKey": 2,
"auditValue": "<@[0,1,2]>"
// 根据模型生成json
var myJson = randomjson(modelJson);
"code": "00",
"numberCode": 10000,
"msg": "加义为边平压你治提用根治问求只或程干立农资特",
"msg2": "dv",
"logo": "",
"result": {
"pList": [
"indexToString": "1",
"index": 1,
"id": 2,
"price": 93.78,
"name": "公司名称1",
"person": "李文武1",
"address": "北京市海淀区西三旗",
"mobile": "17929438781",
"tel": "1148-56055642",
"list": [
"auditKey": 1,
"auditValue": 0
"auditKey": 2,
"auditValue": 1
"indexToString": "2",
"index": 2,
"id": 5,
"price": 29.49,
"name": "公司名称2",
"person": "李文武2",
"address": "北京市海淀区西三旗",
"mobile": "17826945504",
"tel": "7298-46226026",
"list": [
"auditKey": 1,
"auditValue": 0
"auditKey": 2,
"auditValue": 0
npm install -g webpack
webpack --entry ./index.js --output-path dist --output-filename dist.js --output-library randomjson --output-library-target umd
"<@number>": number类型
"<@string>": string类型
"<@null>": null
"<@boolean>": boolean类型
"<@chinese>": 中文字符串
"<@float{number1,number2}>": 浮点数 number1代表整数位数,number2代表小数位数,默认都为2
"<@image{width,height}>": 生成图片 width为生成图片宽度,height为生成图片高度,默认为400,400
"<@index>": 元素在数组中的位置,从1开始
{minNumber, maxNumber}: minNumber到maxNumber个
{minNumber,}: 最少minNumber
{number}: number个
如果是float,minNumber, maxNumber表示整数部分和小数部分的位数
如果是imgae,minNumber, maxNumber表示图片宽度高度
你可以使用“|” 分离多个选项,随机值是其中之一,值为字符串
[1,2,3] 表示1,2,3中的一个,值为数字
[1-90] 表示1到90中的一个int值,值为数字
[1.00-3.00] 表示1到3之间的2位小数
在number类型后加空的占位符 "indexToString": "<@index><@>"
值为非数组时,长度在value字符串里,例如:"ret": "<@number{4}>"
"p11<@{2,5}>": [{
"p8": "12312",
"p9": ["<@string{4,7}>"],
"p10": "<@string>"