Doesn't work with npm run script
Zemledelec opened this issue · 2 comments
Zemledelec commented
Hi! Thanks again, for this super tool!
It works perfect from cli, but when I try to run npm run font, for example it stucks on zero and do nothing here is an error:
npm run script:
font: "msdf-bmfont.cmd --reuse -i .\\fonts\\charset.roboto.txt -m 512,512 -f json -o .\\fonts\\Roboto-Regular.png -s 32 -r 8 -p 1 -t msdf .\\fonts\\Roboto-Regular.ttf"
It works fine from cli, but not from npm. By the way source folder placed in D:\My Projects\...
Zemledelec commented
I use npx
soimy commented
It seems to be a bug while handling path with space on windows cmd.