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Welcome to msdf-bmfont-xml Discussions!
#79 opened by soimy - 5
Error making atlas out of multiple fonts again
#50 opened by BladePoint - 0
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How to pack all available glyphs in font?
#86 opened by jakerdy - 2
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Doesn't work with npm run script
#61 opened by Zemledelec - 3
Missing characters in fnt and png
#20 opened by soccerob - 7
Texture size not working
#73 opened by karlos8 - 1
HYHeiLiZhiTiJ.ttf to MSDF
#74 opened by zszq - 0
Arabic letter wrong glyph
#77 opened by Zemledelec - 2
font render will flush for chinese character
#75 opened by yeluoyunfei - 0
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Linux bin execution error
#36 opened by amsXYZ - 1
Add support for MTSDF atlas (a combination of MSDF and true SDF in the alpha channel)
#70 opened by miltoncandelero - 2
Generating font with large charset
#56 opened by corecode1 - 1
<kernings> node is always empty
#57 opened by BladePoint - 0
png extension is missing from texture.filename
#51 opened by gaitat - 1
Error making atlas out of multiple fonts
#44 opened by BladePoint - 1
#46 opened by bishalkc - 1
Recent changes regarding fontBuffer does not seem to work if fontPath is a string
#49 opened by Sechgulo - 2
Support fontBuffer as alternative to fontPath
#47 opened by donmccurdy - 1
Missing padding info
#42 opened by johh - 2
SVG Import?
#40 opened by delaneyj - 1
Font data may write before chars parsed
#39 opened by rzer - 2
Crash when using npm run render
#38 opened by brupelo - 9
JSON error
#28 opened by markusmoenig - 1
cli parameter number value not correctly typed
#35 opened by soimy - 1
It seem something wrong with Chinese font.
#34 opened by JanzTam - 2
Metrics fixes
#23 opened by mattdesl - 13
Run from electron
#18 opened by Apidcloud - 4
Floating point exception in 2.3.6
#32 opened by lassemt - 3
Vulnerability issue
#30 opened by musculman - 2
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canvas-prebuilt incompatible with current node.js
#27 opened by pirrest - 3
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cli padding option seems to have no effect
#24 opened by numberoverzero - 2
xadvance issue in Persian/Arabic (RTL)language
#15 opened by yooni126 - 7
Binaries not executable in 2.3.2
#19 opened by donmccurdy - 13
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Inconsistent results in linux vs macOS
#21 opened by donmccurdy - 3
Text appears transparent in colored tectanle
#16 opened by AlbertoElias - 6
Missing characters in export png
#14 opened by yooni126 - 4
Misc Enhancement Suggestions
#12 opened by PrimaryFeather - 2
reuse field is required in case of using opt
#10 opened by mrtrizer - 2
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Missing characters in export png
#13 opened by yooni126 - 3
Can't generate a sheet with Japanese symbols
#11 opened by mrtrizer - 8
Feature request: allow change char offsets
#8 opened by Maligan - 4
Add support for OpenType fonts
#7 opened by PrimaryFeather