
A tool for video editing with a json file

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A cli tool to do video editing using spacebro Made with nodejs and ffmpeg.

How to


Install ffmpeg

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next && sudo apt-get update -qq sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Install npm packages

npm i

If you need to change settings, Copy settings.default.json to settings.json

cp settings/settings.default.json settings/settings.json

And edit settings.json You can also change settings with argv parameters. Learn more about this on standard-settings


You can use etna by sending commands via spacebro. The example above watermarks a video.

The watermark recipe is in the basic.js file.

spacebroClient.emit('new-media-for-etna', {
  recipe: 'watermark',
  input: 'example/calculatedmovements.mp4',
  params: {watermark: 'example/pacman.mov'}

For a full working example, look at test/simpletest.js

Start etna:

node index.js

and start the example script

node test/simpletest.js


A recipe is an operation on the input media. Like the watermark above, or a crop, or anything you could do on a video or image.

All recipes are in the recipes folder. A recipe is a named function you can export from within the recipes folder. To use a recipe, mention in in the media sent on spacebro, or in the settings.


You often need a thumbnail of the video generated. If so, you can add in the media meta:

meta: {
  thumbnail: {
    position: '50%'

Position can be either a float representing a time in seconds, or a percent of the video duration.


You can use etna with the command line with a json file. You can try the example with

node index.js -f example/edit.json