
Laravel Eloquent Rating allows you to assign ratings to any model.

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Laravel Eloquent Rating

Laravel Eloquent Rating allows you to assign ratings to any model.


Install the package:

$ composer require sojeda/rating

If your Laravel version does not support package discovery, add this line in the providers array in your config/app.php file:


Publish the config file & migration files:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Laraveles\Rating\RatingServiceProvider'

Migrate the database:

$ php artisan migrate

Preparing the Model

To allow a model to rate other models, it should use the CanRate trait and implement the Qualifier contract.

use Laraveles\Rating\Traits\CanRate;
use Laraveles\Rating\Contracts\Qualifier;

class User extends Model implements Qualifier {
    use CanRate;

The other models that can be rated should use CanBeRated trait and Rateable contract.

use Laraveles\Rating\Traits\CanBeRated;
use Laraveles\Rating\Contracts\Rateable;

class User extends Model implements Rateable {
    use CanBeRated;

If your model can both rate & be rated by other models, you should use Rate trait and Rating contract.

use Laraveles\Rating\Traits\Rate;
use Laraveles\Rating\Contracts\Rating;

class User extends Model implements Rating {
    use Rate;


To rate other models, simply call rate() method:

$page = Page::find(1);

$user->rate($page, 10);
$user->hasRated($page); // true
$page->averageRating(User::class); // 10.0, as float

As a second argument to the rate() method, you can pass the rating score. It can either be string, integer or float.

To update a rating, you can call updateRatingFor() method:

$user->updateRatingFor($page, 9);
$page->averageRating(User::class); // 9.00, as float

As you have seen, you can call averageRating() within models that can be rated. The return value is the average arithmetic value of all ratings as float.

If we leave the argument empty, we will get 0.00 because no other Page model has rated the page so far. But since users have rated the page, we will calculate the average only from the User models, since only they have voted the page, strictly by passing the class name as the argument.

$page = Page::find(1);

$user1->rate($page, 10);
$user2->rate($page, 6);

$page->averageRating(); // 0.00
$page->averageRating(User::class); // 8.00, as float

While in our example, the User class can both rate and be rated, we can leave the argument empty if we reference to its class:

$user = User::find(1);

$user1->rate($user, 10);
$user2->rate($user, 6);

$user->averageRating(); // 8.00, as float
$user->averageRating(User::class); // 8.00, it is equivalent

The relationships are based on this too:

$page->qualifiers()->get(); // Pages that have rated this page
$page->qualifiers(User::class)->get(); // Users that have rated this page

$user->ratings()->get(); // Users that this user has rated
$user->ratings(Page::class)->get(); // Pages that this user has rated



You can define your own listeners in your app's EventServiceProvider. E.g.:


use Laraveles\Rating\Events\ModelRated;
use Laraveles\Rating\Events\ModelUnrated;

 * The event listener mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
    ModelRated::class => [
    ModelUnrated::class => [


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email soj3da@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.