
A JavaScript front-end framework written from scratch for school's website project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Mini Javascript front-end Framework (sort of).

Originally created for a school building website assignment. Minif-JS is a framework that is entirely based in the front-end code base and without any complited bundle thingy. MinifJS was meant to have Reactive State Management, Loop, and Condition for a simple dynamic website with a scalable source code. But I continue to work on this project to improve my Javascript skill and hopefully gain some knowlegdge in pattern design.

The website that was built with MinifJS V2: Emery Sport (Work best with desktop resolution).


Please note that MinifJS is not an efficient solution for a large code base. It is just for the productivity in a small project. Like my school assignment, for example, where everything have to be in the front end side. Vanilla JS would do, but Minif can do more with less code.

How can I use Minif?

  1. Import (with defer attibute) dom.js and dsm.js in this specific order: dom.js $\rightarrow$ dsm.js
  2. Import any of the MinifClass for your requirement.
  3. Import your source code file last.


    <script defer src="./dom.js"></script>
    <script defer src="./dsm.js"></script>
    <!--Depend on your need-->
    <script defer src="./reactive.js"></script>
    <script defer src="./loop.js"></script>
    <script defer src="./minif.js"></script>
    <!--Application code-->
    <script defer src="./app.js"></script>

How does MinifJS works?

By using DSM or Dom Syntax Manager (I should have use a better name) algorithms, it is easier to communicate between Javascript and HTML with less code.

DSM is not a part of developer interface. What MinifJS offers you, is the MinifClasses.


List of MinifClass:

  1. Reactive
  2. Loop
  3. Listener

Important term:

  • dsm_name: are string argument for MinifClass that let Javascript talk with HTML


TODO: simplify (example first. then, detail) Create Reactive:

const reactive_obj = new Reactive(
    dsm_name, //String
    initial_value, //Any
    reactive_publisher, //Object of Reactive with custom name as key
    update_function, //Function
    parent_dom //DOM

//update reactive value
//get reactive value

Simplest Reactive Example

const reactive_obj = new Reactive('dsm_name', 'Hello world');
const reactive_obj2 = new Reactive('dsm_name2', 'visible')

After the Reactive is created, we can use it in HTML by:

<!-- in InnerHTML -->

<!-- in Attribute -->
<h2 style='visibility: ((dsm_name2));'>Hello world</h2>

Changing the reactive value by:

//this will automatically update the HTML content

Javascript code that react to Reactive (using onUpdate)

Using Reactive.value will return "one-time" value. It will not update when the Reactive.update() is called.

To create a Javascript code that will react to a Reactive, Reactive.setOnUpdate(callback) can be used. The callback function will be called everytime the reactive is update

Reactive.setOnUpdate((old_value, new_value, reactive)=>{});

Reactive that react to other Reactive (using Observer)

Observer is a design pattern that objects listen to the others for the update.

Reactive has a built-in observer constructor that let you create a reactive object that listen to a specific reactive.

const a = new Reactive('A', 0);
const b = new Reactive('B', 0, {'a': a}, ({a})=>{return a + 1});
//b is initiated to 0. But when we update a, b will become a.value + 1
const c = new Reactive('C', 0, {'a': a, 'b':b}, ({a, b})=>{return a * b});
//c is initiated to 0 and will update to a.value * b.value everytime either a or b is update.
  • Reactive b is the subscriber or listener of Reactive a.
  • Reactive c is the subscriber of Reactive b and c.

In reactive_publisher argument {'a': a}, 'a' is your custom name that will use as parameter for the callback update_function. The return value of this callback function will go to update the subscriber reactive value.

You can also use array as reactive_publisher argument.

const a = new Reactive('A', 0);
const b = new Reactive('B', 0, [a], ({A})=>{ return A + 1; });
//b is initiated to 0. But when we update a, b will become a.value + 1
const c = new Reactive('C', 0, [a,b], ({A,B})=>{ return A * B; });
//c is initiated to 0 and will update to a.value * b.value everytime either a or b is update.

In this case, Minif will use publisher reactive's dsm_name as the parameter hashmap key. So, the parameter of the callback have be the dsm_name instead.

Here is how the callback update_function parameter works.

NOTE: this is just a simplification. Minif code, under the hood, does not work like this.

